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Church Wedding chat.....

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I had steered clear too but what the hey some of it is funny - now :shock:


25th June 1991 I was 19 :shock:


It was a Tuesday afternoon as that was when my ex got his time off - can you see where this is going :?


Oxford registry office which was at thet time above the Clarendon Shopping Centre :roll:


I got a taxi which dropped me off at the botoom of the multi storey car park so I had about 5 flights of stairs then a dash across the shopping centre with lots of oooooh doesn't she look lovelys from the shoppers :oops:


This was because the traffic was so bad I would have been really late if we had gone to the front so me and one of my bridesmades had to do the dash of shame :evil:


My Brother in Law was the best man last name Messenger and the registrar made a joke about him not being the one who got shot which went down well as he never knew his dad my MIL's first husband as he was a pilot and got shot down over France in the war :shock:


I had two bridesmades my friend and my Niece they wore a powder blue number from Laura Ashely I was in a flowery dress - don't do white or Meringue it was nice and I still have it 8)


My ex was panicking because I was so late when I got there he said slolemly instead of solemly and no he wasn't drunk :roll:


The names for the witnesses My friend was J ******* and the certificate to this day reads S ******* :roll: Probably was never legal :lol:


We had a reception at my MIL's we were really skint so the whole lot was on the cheap - thankfully :lol: But the food was done as a wedding present by the Chef of Lincoln College Oxford and was superb 8)


We had no honeymoon but went away for the weekend and my ex crashed the car :evil:


We finally got divorced and the certificate when it came through went through the Sherrif court on 25th June 2004 - you do the maths :lol:


Thank goodness we didn't spend alot of money in fact it cost 4 time more to get divorced :shock:

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Slight deviation here....


About 4 days before my wedding a colleague asked me what my wedding ring was like.


Sharp intake of breath from me....we had completely overlooked this tiny detail...can you imagine!!!!


Quick dash into Manchester...could only find one small enough to fit at such short notice. Plain gold band with a slightly bevelled edge. Cost less than £50 if I remember correctly.(Him Indoors was making a stand and not having one).


Funny though...I had always lusted after a friends wedding ring which was (at the time) a very modern tree bark arrangement. Now hers looks fussy and dated and mine looks like, well....a wedding ring. The bevelled edge has long since disappeared. Funny how things turn out, innit?

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Louise :shock: What a saga! Doomed from the start!


I've done the maths, but how long did it take for the divorce to come through?


Egluntine! Fancy overlooking the rings! We bought ours in Cambridge and I think mine was less than £20. DH's was about £30 (bigger you see!) I love the plain gold band wedding ring. It doesn't need to be adorned.

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I know Ginette I should have known as soon as the shopping centre entered into it to just go home :lol:


I felt the worst for my BIL as he kept it together even though he was fuming :roll:


The divorce took about 5 months to come through and yes I think someone sat on it to make sure it went through an what would have been my 13th anniversary :evil: I can however laugh about now :wink::lol:

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I had wondered if it had ever been moved Clare :lol:


At least I only had from the car park past Sainsburys and up the stairs it could have been worse if the Taxi had dropped me off at the far end :oops:


We had to go out that way too as we had parked a car at the entrance to the car park for afterwards so we didn't have to wait for a vehicle to get us so I had it both ways :roll::lol:


Never mind it was a long time ago now :lol:

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I forgot to say about the photos :roll:


It poured with rain the whole day so we kept going in and out of the house to try and get pictures there is a great one of me with a terrific expression on my face as a large drop of rain had just gone down the front of my dress :shock::lol:


My friends BF took the pictures and when we got them back 95% were slightly out of focus so there are very few worth looking at :evil:

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Oh Louise! I must admit though, your wedding day has made me smile this morning :D So...no pics then? I'm sure you can rustle one up...?!


I'm a bit of a plain jayne when it comes to rings and I prefered the simple band of gold too. I figured it would never age. We got ours engraved on the inside. (will come in quite handy if ever I am murdered with no ID on me :wink: )

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Oh, so many lovely photos! I'm not sure I have any of my wedding photos on the computer, and alas, no scanner! I could take a photo of a photo I guess!


We had our wedding reception in Edinburgh Zoo - the looks on peoples faces when they saw us wandering about, down by the penguins in big dresses and kilts was quite a picture! Also, when we were getting photos taken outside the church after the ceremony, we became aware of a bus load of tourists that had stopped on the opposite side of the road, and they were all out taking photos of the wedding party, I assume because we had a piper playing as well. Just think of all those poor foreigners that had to sit through photos of MY wedding! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I forgot to say about the photos :roll:


It poured with rain the whole day so we kept going in and out of the house to try and get pictures there is a great one of me with a terrific expression on my face as a large drop of rain had just gone down the front of my dress :shock::lol:



it poured it down at my brother's wedding! most of the photos show his suit glistening - because it was so wet! The rest of us queued up inside the lobby and dashed in and out for the various groupings - but he and Louise had to stay out all the time!!


a side note... I conducted my brother's wedding.. that's a nice thing to be able to do...


I also conducted the believers baptism for my (then) 13 year old son (none of them were baptised as infants) - which was one of the most moving events of my life..


- still brings a tear to my eye..



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Oh dear...your all so funny, i'm sitting hear with tears rolling down my face.


Revnev your so naughty :lol:


It's so nice to see everyone and the great thing is it's a day when we were all younger, hopefully much more attractive and in our glad rags.


It's really nice to see how fashions have changed. When you think back to your Mum and Dads wedding photos and how they looked, thats what were all becoming, i for one find that a really nice thought.


I still have my dress and the top tear of the cake, it still looks ok, if a little yellowed with time.


Anne :D

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My wedding ring was my Italian nonna's (Grandma) - she left it to me to use. It is a plain 22ct gold 'court' band lined with platinum, so pretty rare. I had to have it made smaller because my hands are so small :roll:


I still have it and think it's really beautiful - she wore it from the day that Nonno put it on there until the day she died - never taking it off. I had hoped that I'd have the same luck with my marriage and never took it off either, sadly not.

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I never took mine off either, Clare, until a few months after we separated. :? My wedding ring was a plain band but incorporated a ring my former OH had bought me when we were 18. It was a very delicate latticework ring which kept breaking and ended up unwearable so I had a goldsmith friend of my grandmother use it to make my wedding ring with. I thought it was quite romantic at the time. :roll:


I have really enjoyed hearing about everybody else's wedding days. Great stories and fantastic photos! :D

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LSH and I have matching wedding rings. Both have a little border around the edges but his is wider than mine. I've only ever had to take it off when I was pregnant when my hands were too puffy to wear it but I had it on a chain round my neck all the time so it never really left me. LSH had always said that if he ever proposed to me, it would be with flowers and on one knee. He arrived on New Years Eve in 1984 as usual, we sat and watched TV then he suddenly jumped up and said he'd forgotten to lock his car so he disappeared, coming back a few minutes later with one hand behind his back. He suddenly knelt down and pulled the ring out of his pocket. Behind his back was a bunch of roses. I had absolutely no idea that he was going to propose :D . I don't think I've ever said "Yes" so quickly :lol: . I don't wear my engagement ring any longer because the setting is working loose but I do have my Grandma's engagement ring which I wear on very special occasions because it's just as precious to me as my own. Like Clare's Grandmother, it was worn until her dying day and is my most treasured possession.

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I can't see a bride at all, but WHAT IS THAT MAN DOING??????


It looks like he's 'looking on the hedge', to quote Shakespeare!



:shock::shock: I agree....... :D


I always think that of these two 8093133300a07c70ae0eaa0e9c7f040e48c5de5894c365daa2ea6c95.jpg except its moat not hedge :D

Sorry I'm inundating you with my wedding pics I should just post a link and be done with


Kate could you not get your OH to sort out your ring for your next anniversary.


I've been promised a sort of eternity ring I'm still working on the design with my sil (jeweller) but I plan to have each of my familys birthstones.

I love my engagement ring, it was bought at an antique fair in the next village and he chose it even and even though I'm quite picky its perfect and I was dead impressed. My wedding ring is a plain band and matches his though mine is white gold and his yellow. I wear them both as my wedding ring doesnt sit on its own very well.

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I can't see a bride at all, but WHAT IS THAT MAN DOING??????


It looks like he's 'looking on the hedge', to quote Shakespeare!



:shock::shock: I agree....... :D


I always think that of these two 8093133300a07c70ae0eaa0e9c7f040e48c5de5894c365daa2ea6c95.jpg except its moat not hedge :D


:lol: Yes, but their arms aren't in quite the right position - unlike the man in your 'lost veil' picture :shock:

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