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The Dogmother

Brownie hens

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I took three of the girls to Brownies last night.brown Owl had asked me to take them in and give the girls a talk after reading about them on Rosie's Friend to Animals badge.


All of them were very well behaved, sitting nicely on tea-towels on peoples' laps while being stroked and admired. I must admit that it wasn't an easy task to get 25 Brownies to be quiet and calm :roll::lol:


I managed to get in a plug for Omlet and BHWT, wore my BHWT sweatshirt and Brown Owl and I both explained to them about voting with their shopping trollies regarding battery products.


I ran off the Omlet test from the schools section of the website and talked them through the life-cycle of chooks - let's see how many of them were listening and get the answers right.

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