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I think the best way to go about it, is to have one or two standard mens and ladies T-shirts, but do them in all sizes...that way it will keep their costs down and will be cheaper to screen print.


They can then have a few sizes in stock....if they do go ahead and do it, think they might need to order quite a lot to begin with as us lot will be queuing at their door from midnight :lol:

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I haven't got round to ordering one yet, but my princess would LURV a pink one in her size, mind you, she can wear adult small and have them a bit big.


Was thinking of geting her one for Christmas as she is now chief chicken herder.


The lads at Omlet are so busy, they probably haven't had time to get round to geting the supply organised, mind you, may be it needs a woman to tell them.....!

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I've been looking longingly at the t-shirts too, I've still not got one :( . I hoped I was going to get one at Ardingly Show, but no such luck, and it was too cold for t-shirts then anyway, I needed my warm fleece on that day :roll: .

But has anyone read the fabric details? It's supposedly a silky feel material, made of 50% cotton.... and 50% wood :? . I think it's a typo, unless the Omlet team have been putting their fabulously creative minds to textiles :wink:

I want hot pink too, but then again the olive is quite nice :)

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Trouble is girls, bright pink isn't my colour, it doesn't suit me. :shock:

But then again, neither does olive green (sludge?). I'm opting for the latter (because I shall want to wear my T.shirt with pride), the logic being that if neither colour is going to look good, I may as well choose the least noticeable :roll:

The pink is definitely noticeable! :wink: And lots of people will look fab in it 8)

But I realize they can't possibly do all the sizes and all the colours!

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Well sorry I'm a bit infrequent with my posting :oops: but I was told by Johannes that they were on order. Pink I assumed also!


Wonder if Barbara can hurry it up! :?:


Bx :wink:


I've put in a request for larger sizes in pink, ladies! Whether it will do any good, I don't know :lol: ! Fingers crossed!!

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