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There's a rat in my greenhouse!

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Please help. :shock:


There is a rat in my greenhouse - what should i do? :?


'Kill it' will do doubt be the resounding answer but i dont think i could live with myself if i did that! :(


Could i trap it and release it back into 'the wild' or is that just a mad idea :?


Im reluctant to put poison down as i have my bears to think about.


What should i do?

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I would kill it Emma.

They have a tendancy to come back from miles away if they are released, & you may be giving your rat to someone else too :?

You can get narrow tubes thet the poison goes into,so its safe to have in the garden with other animals.


Spare a thought for my pal Katrina.Her cat dropped a live rat in her kitchen 6 weeks ago, & its living in the spaces between the walls of her house.They can hear it every night,& cannot get rid of the darn thing :shock:

Its eaten through the washing machine hose, & they have even knocked the tiles off the bathroom wall to try & get it :?

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yuk! yuk! yuk!


You have to get rid of it! GRD caught his and drove it a long way away before releasing it.


But realistically, vermin are becoming more of a problem, increasing in numbers. So you should kill it. Maybe ask for advice from a specialist, particularly with regard to your pets?


I HATE rats! yuk! yuk! yuk!

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The chap who does my garden from time to time said to me that you won't have a rat, you will have rats. They breed like mad.


I tried the humane Eradirat and they loved it.


I reluctantly put poison down and haven't seen a rat in a while.


Unfortunately they were in my compost bins, so I no longer compost kitchen waste which is a pity.


Might start again in a few weeks.

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We have called the council and they said they would put down poison if thats what we wanted - the poison is not pet friendly so that is not really an option, they dont offer other solutions :roll:


They told us that a rat will normally live across about 5 gardens so the nest might not be in our garden - a positive point in this rodent fiasco!


OH is being sent to get a humane rat trap - not too sure what we will do from there :?

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It's true that if you set it free it will come back, apparently they've been known to travel up to 5 miles :shock::?


Might be worth dropping a note through your neighbours doors letting them know and asking them to be aware of any rats in the neighbourhood; could be some old dear leaving food out on the ground for birds and it's attracting rats.

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Not sure what I'd do really, use as kind a way possible to get rid of it I suppose. You could post it overseas :D:wink: Obviously a silly joke.


Rats can cause a problem to the chicks so that would be my decider, sometimes you just have to make choices you don;'t like.


Good luck Em, could you shout at it, like you demonstrated at the cafe, that might do it :shock::wink:



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Good luck Em, could you shout at it, like you demonstrated at the cafe, that might do it :shock::wink:




Hmmm now theres a thought! :idea: Can you and Clare come too that might help! :lol::lol::lol:


The greenhouse is being demolished and skipped at the weekend so hopefully this will stop the rat thinking it has somewhere to hide. The bears will then have 'access all areas' so that might put him off too :pray:

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The chap who does my garden from time to time said to me that you won't have a rat, you will have rats. They breed like mad.


I tried the humane Eradirat and they loved it.


I reluctantly put poison down and haven't seen a rat in a while.


Unfortunately they were in my compost bins, so I no longer compost kitchen waste which is a pity.


Might start again in a few weeks.


My first thought was "only one?!!"


We used Eradirat but had to resort to poison as well. They were in the eaves which open into the bedrooms - I wasn't prepared to have them any nearer :evil: They were also under the feed shed by the chickens and under a couple of the hen houses - so they had to go :(


We've found that they got into the house by chewing through the airbricks - the builder had used plastic airbricks :roll: They are all covered with concrete blocks now and will be replaced in the summer.

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Em, we can't poison rats who live in the donkey's straw store, as the donks eat straw... :roll:


I hate poison and would do anything rather than use it, and risk putting it into the food chain, but rats are evil creatures who spread disease and MUST be killed somehow.


Shall I send OH up with his trusty pitchfork? I've killed one this way too :oops: .


I am fairly sure you can buy traps where they go in, eat the poison and cannot get out again, so die in the sealed trap. You just throw the trap away.


Good luck!

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Shall I send OH up with his trusty pitchfork? I've killed one this way too :oops: .


OMG!! :shock::shock:


Im such a soft hearted wimp :oops: i looked at it in the greenhouse through the glass and thought it looked quite cute with its little whiskers :oops:


I think i could cope with a trap like you described - will look for one on t'internet when i have the courage :?

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