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Martin B

Comic Relief

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Get your wallets out. Comic Relief is back! :)

I love the programme, but never remember to donate money outside of school. However you may have seen the Walkers advert with the promotional ears. Well if you order a pair of promotional ears, Walkers will be donating the money to good causes. A bit of revenge to make BIG RICH companies give money to worthy causes. Walkers are hoping to donate £1,000,000 but they won't if you don't order your ears!!!!


Here is the fill in form:



Mine arrived today and they look so funny, I've put some pictures below! :lol:


A pretty face


A weird Rat! :lol:


A confused Baboon!

So please order some ears NOW


It will only take a moment of your time and we can help them to help others. IF THAT MAKES SENSE? :?:lol:





P.S Don't forget to attatch your pictures when they arrive! :lol:


P.P.S Only 2 per household aswell, sorry! :roll::lol:

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Martin you look just,...hmmm :think: whats the word im looking for.....


stunningly strange!:lol::lol::lol:


I have ordered my ears too! :lol:


Where i work we might all be turning up in our PJs and paying a pound to Comic Relief! :shock:

:? Not too sure how i feel about that - turning up in pink Winnie the Pooh PJs, big slippers and a Little Miss Naughty dressing gown will not to my reputation of being 'the strict one' any good at all! :roll::lol::lol:


We will also be doing -

a bake off

sponsored swim

sweep stake

and a football competition too :D:D:D


The students i teach just couldnt get the concept that people in Africa dont have water and food :(

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Martin you look just,...hmmm :think: whats the word im looking for.....





Mr Potato Head :wink::lol:


Two pairs of ears ordered here. Thanks for the link Martin. Jack and Natalie are going to love them :lol:


Great pictures Martin :D You and your family are good sports and brave to have posed for them :D

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At Ollie and Charlie's school they are not allowed to 'celebrate' red nose day or any other charity/fundraising day :(:(


Instead the school has a Charity Week - lots of events where loads of money is raised and sent to a group of charities the pupils/school council have chosen. Normally a local charity, national charity and also this year a project in Africa the school are very involved in :D:D

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I'm glad that ears are being ordered.


I don't thinl my Mum was best pleased when Sean told her that the pictures were on the forum! :lol::lol:


Pam - Our school is the same, no individual charity days, just a charity week. I put down BHWT as a charity but it was overlooked by Guide dogs for the blind, but that is another of my favourite charities! :D

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:) Thanks Martin, ordered some for Esther, we have our red noses already from Oxfam. We've been saving red items to decorate the window this w/e for a big Comic Relief promotion, and have lots of red T shirts saved too for customers wanting to dress up.

Love the pics, what a great family! 8)

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