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Guest chookiehen


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I vaguelly remember ereading something last year about hayfever, and if you ate a teaspoon of local honey every morning, you built up an immunity to local pollen, thus relieving the worst of the hayfever symptoms. Couldn't do anything about it last year, as I could find local honey, but here at the Balamory House, everything is possible, and I've found a rather nice lady who sells local honey.


Has anyone tried this, and does it work?

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Yes Shona it does and I am a bit late starting it. With fields of rape all around us I suffer sore eyes and a croaky voice. Daisie is also itchy. It leaves yellow sticky pollen all over the hens, cars and windows :x


Give it a go, I have it on a toasted bagel, mikey has 1/2 tsp in his tea.



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I take local honey every morning - but can't say whether it works. I have year round allergic rhinitis and have to take anti-histamines :( I try to stop taking them but not very successfully. I get hayfever from tree pollen, so it starts in February - and slows down when the grass is out :roll:

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I haven't gone the honey route, but this is what I swear by:


http://www.beelief.co.uk/product.asp?prodid=7682 :)


I keep a bottle of water containing a few drops of Tincture of Propolis with me and every time I feel my hayfever coming back, I have a few sips and the symptoms disappear again. When it's really bad, I'm taking a sip every half hour or so, but when it's less severe, every few hours is enough.


It doesn't work for my asthma though and I have to use a steroid inhaler for that :(

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Is it triggered by pollen Egluntine? I get seasonal asthma in that way - I don't get it the rest of the time.
I have it mildly most of the year, but it is definately worse at this time of year and Septemberish. Oil Seed Rape sets me off something alarming. Daren't go out without Ventolin and Becotide.
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I think I'm going to give both the local honey and the 'beelief' a go. Anything would be better than the 7 month a year reliance on anti-histamines that i have just now!


*note to younger forum members*


A side effect of smoking that no-one ever tells you about (just in case the lung cancer doesn't scare you, because it seems to be so far in the future, it's not worth thinking about), is that it ruins the lining of your nasal passages, and can bring about severe hayfever. :(

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I know this isn't very alternative but I had horrendous hayfever for years and then I had a steroid injection for the next two years. I now need no medication at all. I get the occasional itchy eyes but it's never anthing to worry about. I can't get claire to have the injection as she is scared of needles. :?



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I think I'm going to give both the local honey and the 'beelief' a go. Anything would be better than the 7 month a year reliance on anti-histamines that i have just now!


*note to younger forum members*


A side effect of smoking that no-one ever tells you about (just in case the lung cancer doesn't scare you, because it seems to be so far in the future, it's not worth thinking about), is that it ruins the lining of your nasal passages, and can bring about severe hayfever. :(


Oh that's a useful point, another good reason to not smoke or STOP :)



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i have more allerghies than i can count, but hayfever was my first, and i know most about it...

the honey, you have to take it in the winter!!! don't start now, it will make you worse. the idea is that if your body is exposed to a small amount of pollen every day in the winter, the sudden onslaught in spring isn't such a surprise, and it won't react. if you use it that way, it worked for me. my allergy isn't gone, but much more manageable, ie without steroids. just make sure the honey is 'raw' or 'unpasteurised' and don't heat it in any way. just a teaspoon straight out of the jar... in the winter

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I've had hay fever since I was 10 and tried everything.


I tried the honey one year but can't bear the taste so gave up.

Triludan and piriton worked for a few years. Then I discovered claratyn. Been on that for 4 years and it was wonderful. One tab a day and no symptoms! It stopped working last year.

Now using Zirtek and as of last week, when mine started, its good! Works within 15 mins and I can breathe!!!! :D


Also tried the Holland and Barrett homeopathy tabs (1-2 every 30 mins :roll: ) - no good for me!

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I know this isn't very alternative but I had horrendous hayfever for years and then I had a steroid injection for the next two years. I now need no medication at all. I get the occasional itchy eyes but it's never anthing to worry about. I can't get claire to have the injection as she is scared of needles. :?




I have ummed and arghed about having the injection for a few years now as my hayfever is terrible. I could, at very bad times, take up to 4 'all day' antihistamines and still be sneezing and my eyes would be on stalks :shock: I have sneezing fits that last for hours and its impossible to teach when it gets that bad.


I am trying the local honey approach this year along side the only antihistamine that works for me - Benadryl and keeping my fingers crossed :D

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I think you become immune to certain drugs after a while.


I agree with you Christian. Benadryl has 'Acravistine' (?) as its active ingredient and its the best of a bad lot for me. Im lucky enough to work with a great pharmasist who helped me discover what worked for me.

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We moved into our new house last May and I was suffering really badly, as the Claratyn had stopped working. My 'new' Doctor said he gets its so badly that he can't leave the house. He recommended Zirtek and Beconase nasal spray together. He advised me to take the tablet and spray everyday as this is the best form of defense. Whether you have symptoms or not! :roll:


Can't be bad for the NHS prescription charges either :evil: - lucky Wales!

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I sat in the car with three flowering apple trees this morning which we had just bought at the market - they triggered a hayfever attack :roll:


I could hardly breathe, had a headache and sore throat, streaming eyes and sniffles. I had used my Clarityn and Beconase as well :(

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