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Martin B


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I'm looking for a few cake recipes! I was just wondering if you could help out! :D


I require recipes for each of the following:

Coffee and Walnut Cake

Banana Loaf

Carrot Cake

Lemon Drizzle Cake

Plain Chocholate Cake


Can anybody help? If there are any other cake recipes you have but yet I have missed out I would be more than greatful of them! :D



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Banana and Pecan Loaf - from BBC website.


Its my most favourite Banana recipe - I suppose you could leave out the pecans - But I put in a few more!! It's actually very easy to make and I've never had a poor one. :D




75g/2¾oz plain flour

75g/2¾oz wholemeal flour

1 tsp bicarbonate of soda

1 tsp ground mixed spice

100g/3½oz butter, softened

100g/3½oz caster sugar

2 large bananas, mashed

2 eggs, lightly beaten

100g/3½oz pecan nuts, roughly chopped





1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. Grease and line a 900g/2lb loaf tin.

2. Sift together the flours, bicarbonate of soda and mixed spice, tipping any bran in the sieve into the bowl.

3. In a large bowl beat together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the bananas and egg, then stir in the flour mixture along with 75ml/5tbsp boiling water. Stir in the pecan nuts.

4. Spoon the mixture into the tin and smooth out the top. Bake for about 1 hour until risen and golden. Delicious served warm.


Per serving:


Energy: 225kcal

Protein: 4g

Carbohydrate: 23g

Fat: 12g

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Here is a Banana and Chocolate chip cake receipe I have been making for years. All the ingredients were in ounces so I have converted them into grams.


Banana and Chcolate chip cake

225g Self raising flour

1/2 tsp Baking powder

125g Butter or marg

150g Light soft brown sugar

2 Eggs beaten

2 Ripe Bananas mashed

100g Chocolate chips


Sift flour and baking powder into a large bowl.

Beat in the butter, sugar and eggs until smooth.

Stir in the bananas and chocolate chips.

Put in cake tin or tins and bake.


Cooking time 25 - 30 minutes

Oven temperatre 180oc


Use either a 1kg loaf tin, a 18cm cake tin or 2 18cm snadwich tins.


If using sandwich tins fill with butter icing.



Butter Icing


50g Butter or margarine

100g Sieved icing sugar


Cream butter, gradually add icing sugar and cream together.

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Here you go Martin




6oz plain flour

2oz wholemeal flour

8oz sugar

2 tsp bicarb of soda

1 1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp ground nutmeg

1/2 tsp salt


3 large bananas mashed(orig recipe calls for 8 fl oz of apple sauce but i'm allergic to apples)

2 tbsp veg oil

2 egg whites

2 whole eggs

10 1/2 oz grated carrot


a) mix the dry ingredients together

b) mix the wet ingredients together (not the carrot)

c) mix a and b together

d) add the carrot and mix well


pour into a loaf tin and bake 180C for 1 hour 10 mins


I use med/large eggs

the mixture looks really sloppy and always needs at least 20mins or so extra cooking


enjoy! :D

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Coffee and Walnut Cake




225g butter

225g soft brown sugar

4 eggs

225g self raising flour

50g walnuts, chopped

2tbsp strong coffee





65g caster sugar

4tsp water

165g butter

9 walnuts

1tbsp strong coffee

2 yolkes


for the batter


* set the oven to gas mark 3

* mix the butter and sugar till smooth and light

* add a little flour and mix in the eggs 1 at a time

* slowly fold in the remaining flour and then the chopped walnuts and coffee

* divide the mixture into 2 tins and bake for 30 min

* cool on a wire rack


for the filling


* put the sugar and water in a small saucepan and boil on a low heat for 10 min

* whisk the yolks and slowly pour on the sugar syrup, carry on whisking until cool

* fold in the butter and coffee

* use half the mixture to fill the cake and the other half as topping

* decorate with remaining nuts



to make 'stong coffee' i just use however many spoons out of the jar the recipe requires then and the same amont of spoons of water.

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Well the banana and chocolate cake was a great hit with the boys today! Great recipe and very easy to make - just chuck it all in and whisk. I cooked it for about an hour though. Came out very light and fluffy inside with a heavenly crispy outer ....... :drool:


Must go and eat the last piece before the kids decide to have it for breakfast tomorrow :roll::oops:8)

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