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The force of nature

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We are being battered by gale force winds :(


I have lost nearly half my crop of Caulis and cabbage. they have been ripped out of the ground and are now blowing around the garden. Strawberry and Potato pots blown over. Runner bean wigwam destroyed and the Runner bean plants which I only put in yesterday afternoon lying snapped in the bed :cry: The fleece barrier around the carrots is lying on top of my tiny carrot seedlings :cry:


I could cry I really could :cry:


I have tried to move as much as possible nearer to the house but the wind is so strong it keeps blowing me about :(


Pray the Greenhouse doesnt't succumb :pray:

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So sorry Ali


It must be awful watching that happen and not really being able to do anything


I hope the weather calms down soon


It was quite windy here earlier but it seems to have stopped now


PS if you need any seeds to start you off again let me know I have some that you can have :(

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Thanks for the offer of seeds :D I do have some left if I need to start again :roll:


Not much else I can do now :? It is very nasty out there and the wind is whipping up sand from the beach :twisted: which makes it difficult to keep your eyes open.


The chickens don't like it either and are making strange noises. Maybe the sand is annoying them as well.

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How frustrating Ali, after all your hard work! :twisted:

I only have a little clear plastic covered, 4 shelf greenhouse type thingy and had all sorts sprouting in it. It was blown over by the wind on Tuesday. Lost almost everything, just managed to save a few well rooted seedlings. Took a real effort to start again. Hope it all settles down soon and you can rescue most of it. :evil: Bloomin' weather. :roll:

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It is still very windy here although not as bad as this morning.


I have managed to repair some of the damage. The Brassicas came off worse. They were snapped off at ground level so I am unable to replant them :( The fleece barrier around the Carrots has been repaired using more bamboo canes and most of my clothes pegs :lol: It is still too windy to erect the Runner Bean wigwam, that will have to be done tomorrow if the wind dies down.


Oh took me to the garden centre this afternoon and bought me an Aubergine plant and a Chilli plant :D and some pretty flowering plants (forget what they are called :roll: )


On the plus side, I got lots of washing dry today :lol::lol: until I needed the clothes pegs :lol:


Snowy, I am sorry you have been having wind problems as well :(

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That's rotton luck, Ali.


We had gales here as well yesterday - luckily we hadn't got around to doing the raised beds (no wood), so everything is still in pots, so it could all come into the house. The only thing is, I put washing on the rotary dryer before we went out (no undies mind, because I didn't want to be wandering the village picking up our smalls if they all blew off!), and when we got back, the rotary dryer was bent double. :shock::shock::shock::shock:


It's breezy today, but not half as bad as yesterday.

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This weather! :shock:


15 minutes ago I was sitting outside in lovely sunshine with a bit of a breeze.


It is now pitch black and pouring with rain.


I have weighed my little plastic greenhouse thingy down with 3 heavy boulders on the bottom shelf. with a couple of planks underneath to help distribute the weight.....so I hope that will do the trick.

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I have weighed my little plastic greenhouse thingy down with 3 heavy boulders on the bottom shelf. with a couple of planks underneath to help distribute the weight.....so I hope that will do the trick.


:roll: Mines now tied to the downspout pipes. If it blows down now all the house guttering will come with it! :shock: OHs idea - so I refuse to accept any blame if it happens. :wink:8)

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Don't worry Snowy - we are suffering from strong wind in Devon too ...




















must be those beans on toast I had this morning!





Seriosly though - the breeze has picked up here - hens looking very windswept.

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Despite my best efforts, my little plastic greenhouse has blown over and more than half of my seedlings have been lost. Most of those that have "survived" will have to be re-potted....and as they have parted with their labels I can only guess at what some of the may be. Damnation.

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