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kittens wanted!!

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Hi everyone, this is a long shot but we are desperately looking for two kittens to keep our lonely ginger puss barnaby company. our dear cat daisy died 2 months ago and we now feel ready to give barnaby some company(and me!!) we are finding it really hard to find any, there must be a shortage for some reason, does anyone know of any that are for sale or to be rehomed in the hampshire area? we would be really gratefull!!

love Mim xx :?::?:

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do you mean cats protection? yes we have but thy have nothing at the moment , we got our other cats from them previously. do you know of any other rescue places? not keen on going to rspca as we have one cat and they are so fussy about things like that it annoys me!!


Mim xx

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Oh dear mim kittens are a problem these days as most people are responsible and get their cats done :roll:


There may be a small local charity in your area try asking local vets and they also sometimes have cards up :wink:


The other way is to go for a 'posh' cat but they can be expensive :?

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I volunteer for my local branch of Cats Protection and we dream of the day when most people are responsible enough to get their cats neutered. It's better than it used to be but there are still far too many people who either don't bother or think it's OK not to get their cat neutered :(


However, the kitten season was slow to start this year by us - at one stage we wondered whether we were going to get any at all. However, they have now arrived :) One of our fosterers has got three litters - 13 kittens in total (five days, four weeks and eight weeks) and other fosterers have also got kittens.


Mim - it could be that there aren't many in your area at the moment but that could change week-by-week. Did you try your local Branch or your local Adoption Centre. If you're in Hampshire then your local adoption centre is Newbury or Isle of Wight (yes, really!).


Alternatively, you could try looking on http://www.catchat.org/ to see if there's an independent rescue close to you.


Let us know how you get on...

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yes i agree it is responsible to get your cat neutered or spayed. we had both ours done . i have tried our gosport branch which isn't a rescue centre but she said she has been asked by the isle of wight if she has any kittens!! i think it is just a case of waiting and if its meant to be it will happen( as my mum always says).

Thanks for all your replies i will keep trying!!

love mim xx

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Do you really need a kitten? Wouldn't an older cat fit the bill just as well? We got the gorgeous old parper Tigger a year ago, he was a stray, of indiscernable age, with willy problems, and a bad case of wind, but we adore him just as much as any cute little kitten (we have a kitten as well, and she's just a pain in the backside sometimes!) and he gets on famously with other cats.

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yes i would take an older cat but we were advised by the cpl that a cat under the age of 10 months would be better for our cat who's 13 as he wouldn't feel threatened maybe this is wrong what do you all think?

i would love to rescue older cats.

love mim xx

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Have you got one of those big Pets at Home stores or equivalent near you - they usually have a noticeboard with pets for sale. Also when we were trying to find a puppy for my neighbour we bought the Trade-it paper - that had all sorts of animals (including chickens) for sale.




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yes i have tried pets at home and rang a couple of numbers and the kittens were all taken. i'll have to keep trying . has anyone else had trouble with rescue centres not letting them have a cat? we havent tried rspca because we know they won't let us because we live on a main road and already have one cat . i think this is wrong because i have known lots of cats that have been killed on very quiet roads. if anything cats will stay away from lots of traffic and feel safer on quiet roads! anyway i will keep trying!!!


Mim xx

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I had that problem mim when I lived in the centre of the town they would let me have one but when I moved to where I am now my wandering cat was killed by a car and because he was killed by a car I can't have a rescue cat now :evil:


I am in the middle of nowhere :roll: Bart was just unlucky :cry:


He used to cross 2 main roads every night when I was in Peebles both roads were on the bus route :roll:

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I dont want to sound negative but I've fond that older cats hate having new ones introduced to them. We did it to our 13 year old many years ago and she hated it - she died less than a year later and we felt terrible for doing it to her.....she'd have been much happier on her own. My friend also introduced 2 kittens to her elderly cat who ran away never to be seen again shortly after. I'm not saying that would happen in your case but please think it through carefully - quite often they prefer to live on their own once they have lost their companion especially if they are older.

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it does seem so unfair that rescue places are so fussy they are missing out on rehoming animals for such silly reasons.


I have never thought about it like that i know cats are solitary animals but he just seems so lost . anyway it seems like i have no luck yet anyway!!

thanks all

love mim xx

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When Bart died my other boy cat was depressed afterwards he needed a companion as the girl cat is just plain evil :roll:


I got a kitten as I couldn't get an older rescue cat :evil: Tink hated it at first but they are now best buddies and I dread something happening to one of them as the other would be lost :roll:


Tink was 3 at the time :?

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just an update . we have had no luck with kittens they are snapped up so quickly, and the RSPCA wouldn't even consider us as we live on a main road, so i found this wonderfull rescue called second chance and we are now the proud new owners of two new girls who are both 2 and have always been house cats so hopefully they won't want to go anywhere near the road. we are going to pick them up on saturday so fingers cross that they get on with our barnaby. wish me luck!!!

will keep you up to date!

love mim xx

p.s one is tabby and one is a chocolaty brown tortie type cat!!!!Very odd colour)

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ooh do post some pictures - I have a brown and beige torti and everyone always says how unusual she is - I would love to see another brown torti :D


They sound lovely and will hopefully settle in well as they are bit older.

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got the pussies yesterday and they seem ok, except both of them have already wee'd on our bed ! good job we have plenty of duvets! we have put trays down for them and one of them used it yesterday so it must be nerves of settling in i hope! barnaby is a bit miffed as they keep hissing at him but as yet no fights. will post some pics when i can at the moment they won't sit still long enough!Lily is a chocolate tortie and is a typical naughty tortie, into everything but seems slightly highly strung, Dora is lovely a very tiny tabby who is very kitten like, and both of them are very affectionate, so fingers crossed for a happy ending as long as they stop weeing!!!

love mim xx

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:):):) they sound lovely!


I had a cat who used to wee on the duvet (of all the places to pick, possibly the worst :roll: ) - it was mainly nerves/excitement, and she grew out of it, I should think your two are just a bit upset, and if one of them is using the litter tray then the other one will probably follow suit.


I do hope they settle in, keep us posted (and post some pics!)

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