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Guest Dilly

eeny meany miney mo - which do I choose

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i've not yet had a silkie go broody.....that said watch them go broody this week lol. no my pekin bantams go broody at the drop of a hat, but not the silkies.


The chamois, we did try to trim the pom pom back around the eyes but it grew back so quickly we haven't bothered again and it seems to manage just fine by listening out for where the other chooks are. It can see things directly under it so feeding/drinking doesn't pose a problem for it. We were told not to keep it with anything other than chamois but it isn't the bottom of the pecking order and hasn't been bullied at all. It is exposed to the elements and it's pom-pom has stayed remarkably clean and fluffy - actually will take a pic when i get home at 4 and post so you can see how its coping in this wet weather.


the greatest plus point for it is the comedy value, seeing it do over dramatic jumps when it realises you're stood next to it or walking into the wall of the coop rather than the pop-hole lol lol lol

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The great Terry Beebe is a breeder and shower of Polands, have a look at his site http://www.regencypoultry.com - I think there's a link to his chook site on there. He's a great bloke and happy to have a chat and give advice. It was Terry who got me onto using Stalosan.


oooh that's who got me interested in the breed actually! all my black and white crested have turned out to be boys so far :(

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Great - thanks for the advice and looking forward to a photo and thank you for the link Claret - and off to look at that too - but I should be making birthday cards in my studio at the end of the garden - but don't fancy the dash in the rain yet - just had a loverrrllly lunch. :lol:

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I didn't I am still here - just about to have a choc ice on a stick - then I will walk down the garden in the sunshine - and probably fall asleep on the futon out there - just joking :roll:

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My silkie is constantly broody, which would be fine, except when she's finished she moults and then regrows her feathers, and pretty much looks VILE for a month or two. When she's all well in herself, she's very sweet and docile and pretty, but that's about half the time. The rest of the time she is my least favourite chicken.

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How does she keep her hair so lovely? Dolly looks a complete mess, with mud and feed matted into her hair :roll: Perhaps she's just a mucky girl!


Floss is like that too :roll:

She always looks like she needs a good wash & blow dry...even worse as she is a white hen :roll::lol:

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How does she keep her hair so lovely? Dolly looks a complete mess, with mud and feed matted into her hair :roll: Perhaps she's just a mucky girl!


i've no idea how she does it, she just seems to shake her head and has a perfect 'fro again :shock: the others look much rattier


Although Dolly is grey, her topknot is white , well it should be, but it's usually wash-day grey or muddy. In the winter when I added poultry tonic to their water, she had very fetching pink hair!

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I'm new to all this, so I don't even have a nice piccie yet.

I know I really want some chickens, but I really don't know which chickens to get!

I can totally sympathise with Dilly's dilemma.


I think the little Silkie and the pencil tailed Pekin look lovely.


i know what you mean i've always had a soft spot for silkies, i have 2 white chicks at the moment, just waiting to find out if they're girls....... and i don't think you can go wrong with pekins....


welcome to the forum! :D

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