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PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE can someone help me. I would like to put another picture on my profile and in the process have deleted my present one and cannot find the sticky about how to do it. Please be kind to a person whose IT skills are very poor indeed :cry:


Susan :oops:

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Susan, I hope this makes sense!


1) Click on 'Profile' which is near the top of the page on the left-hand side

2) Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see a section call 'Avatar Control Panel'

3) Depending on whether your picture is on your computer, a photo host site or the Omlet gallery, you need to put in its location in the corresponding white box on the right

4) Press submit

5) Voila! You should have an avatar!



You may have problems if your picture is too large - there are website you can use which will shrink the picture for you before you upload it.

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Hi Susan. I hope this makes sense:


You need to go to your profile at the top left of the screen and scroll down till you reach "signature". To add the emoticons, you need to use the codes for them


NB - remove the * from the code but don't leave a space where it was. I have to put them in or you'd get the picture instead of the code!


Gingernut Ranger would be written as G*NR =

Miss Pepperpot = P*P =

Grey hen = (*Bluebelle)

White hen = (*white chicken) =

Green Eglu = (*green eglu) =

Red Eglu = (*red eglu) -

Blue Eglu - (*blue eglu) = etc

egg = !*egg! =

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