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The Dogmother

The Pants debate

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Since having Stefan I am now in the big pants club. Have to hold that crepe paper, saggy tummy in somehow! :shock: - sorry!! :oops:


Have you seen the pant/thigh thing that the guy in the 'How to look good naked' series gets his girls to wear? I want one of those!! :D

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well I've got a feeling it was Ronnie Barker who said it first ... :lol:


getting back on topic, those 'How to Look Good ...' ones are Spanx, I believe. Haven't tried them, but I have got M&S version. Trouble is, it all has to go somewhere ... :roll: you end up with a lovely smooth line, but a 'muffin-top'! well, I do anyway ... and you daren't eat or drink all day (try struggling out of THOSE in a hurry).


I reckon curves are good. No cheese-wires for me though, thanks!

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well I've got a feeling it was Ronnie Barker who said it first ... :lol:


getting back on topic, those 'How to Look Good ...' ones are Spanx, I believe. Haven't tried them, but I have got M&S version. Trouble is, it all has to go somewhere ... :roll: you end up with a lovely smooth line, but a 'muffin-top'! well, I do anyway ... and you daren't eat or drink all day (try struggling out of THOSE in a hurry).


I reckon curves are good. No cheese-wires for me though, thanks!


I like that programme - Gok is so much nicer than T&S - he manages to make everyone feel better about their bodies but...... both programmes make people look good when they are standing up!!


The clothes do look good - but they never show people after they've been sitting at a desk for hours, getting children in and out of car seats, carrying shopping etc..... We could all look good, standing outside a school collecting our children, wearing Spanx, squidging all that extra weight somewhere - for 2 minutes!!!!! :evil:

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I do agree ... and in fairness, he said something last week like 'these are for Christmas, not for life'! I only wear mine when I've got a special occasion and I'm going to be on show, there's just no way you could wear them on a daily basis!


I love the show though, because it's all about loving what you've got - and not comparing yourself to airbrushed pics! I wonder if he does consultations ... :P

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well, it's my sister's wedding on the 23rd. So I'm off into Crewe on a comfy pants hunt this afternoon. I want big pants, so they don't roll down & preferbaly some that might hold my jelly belly in a bit. Will have a look in M & S & BHS too. My mum keeps saying.." Get yourself some Sloggies luv". Will have a look at them, but the word 'sloggies' just seems to put me off!


Need some cuff links for hubby too - for his penguin suit rig out! :roll:


Big pants - here I come!



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oooooh, lovely website, with lovely stuff.


Much nicer than the regulation navy school knickers, and much sexier than the old maternity duds!

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Ok, I know I'm coming to the discussion quite late but ladies you've got to check out THUNDERPANTS


Their moto is ' they won't go up your bum' and they are in such fab colours and patterns they are bound to impress any eglu owner with their great style.

I've been wearing them for years and they're ideal for your special birthday pants.

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