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I've got to say, I couldn't be more gutted if it had been me that was beaten.


Keith deserved to win over Lee (shee me shtar in the wesht end)

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Don't know where my post went - did you delete it 'by mistake' ChookieHen? :wink::wink: (I must have mucked it up somehow!)


I posted to say :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


We are all happy in our house tonight! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


I've had such an exciting evening - every time I got through on the phone I had Lee's lovely voice right in my ear - 'Hi, Lee here.' Made my stomach turn over every time! :D:D:D:D:D:oops::D:D

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That wasn't a serious accusation! I must have mucked it up - but your post wasn't there when I thought I had posted mine, and then mine wasn't there and yours was. :? I thought maybe I'd been a little too jubilant for you! :D :D


Sorry you wanted Keith - he'll be all right!

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I have to say I felt sorry for Lewis. He really grew on me. Keith had a fab voice and will do really well in something, but just didn't suit Joseph!

*runs and hides fron Shona*


Lee is fantastic IMHO. He has worked sooo hard and always been the understudy.



I thought Connie looked a bit rough!

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I thought Connie looked a bit rough!


I said that to chookiehubbie and he said 'don't be ridiculous!'


She looks like the pressure of all the performances are getting to her.


Lewis grew on me too - i would rather he had won than Lee - I can't get passed the fact he can't say his S's - like he's trying to do a dodgy Shir Sean Connery impression!


Keiths career is assured - he'll not be back at 'hell on earth' (aka Tesco Hardengreen) anytime soon.

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Him Indoors and I both said that Connie's performance was lacklustre and dull.


I liked Keith's voice and he had a cute smile but he just wasn't Joseph for me ....he doesn't have that stage presence.


Lee certainly does have it and so does Lewis, who I think will go far despite having come third.

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Keith had a fab voice and will do really well in something, but just didn't suit Joseph!

*runs and hides fron Shona*


Forgot to say.....that's an extra raised bed you owe me for that comment! :wink::lol:

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I liked Keith's voice and he had a cute smile but he just wasn't Joseph for me ....he doesn't have that stage presence.


Actually, he does - if you sit in a room and listen to him, he fills the room, no matter what the size. His 'baby-face' let him down tonight I think. He has an incredible talent, that Lord ALW has recognised (and the British public for that matter) and I predict a great future for him. I'm afraid that with Lee, I just can't get passed his inability to say 'S'.

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I'm glad Lee won as well :D:D:D


I wanted Lee, Keith and Seamus to be in the final - poor Seamus.


We watched it at midnight as we'd had such a day - not much point in voting then :roll:


I'd not seen any of the Sound of Music thing - when Connie came on, I was glad I hadn't :shock: She did look rough and her part was almost depressing :?

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I have watched Joseph on and off these past weeks. I always thought it was a bit of a con, the sing off bit, it meant that ALW could keep whoever HE thought was best for the part of Joseph alive in the show :wink:

I know in the end it WAS the public that finally decided, but the way the programme was structured meant that ALW got the fellas he wanted to be in the final programme IUSWIM :D

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I was rooting for Lee as well :lol::lol: He was fab - Keith has a fantastic voice and I'm sure he will wake up with a job this morning as well, albeit not Joseph. I thought Connie seemd to have lost a lot of weight - maybe the result of spending 6 performances a week on stage - she certainly wasn't the bubbly bright Connie from Maria school! At least she said that 9 of the girls from Maria school were all working on stage now so there's hope for all those other boys as well .

Well done Lee!

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