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She did it!

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My little sister got married on Saturday! She looked absolutely stunning - a small shower first thing, a small shower whilst she was in the horse & coach. Then when she arrived at the church, out came the sunshine! It rained whilst in church then glorious sun again for the photos when we came out!


She was an hour late for her wedding - we were sweating as another church nearby won't let you get married if you are one minute late!

It wasn't her fault at all. The hairdresser was mega late. Did the bridesmaids first and left my sister until last. My sister was still in her PJ's at 2.00pm - the time her wedding should have been. The hairdresser and makeup lady were absolutely terrible. In the trial she used expensive makeup, on the day she used makeup you'd have for christmas from somewhere like Makro!!!!! Then she charged us the earth!!!!!!

All in all tho the day went well.



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:shock: An hour late! Bet the groom was sweating too!


Not sure my DH (organist) would have hung around that long. He'd have played for 75 minutes before she even arrived. If he had somewhere else to be, he would definitely have gone home.


What outrageous and dishonest behaviour from the beautician! I hate hearing things like that. It's real cheating and dishonesty and I don't understand how individuals have the cheek to do it.

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My daughter was a bridesmaid this weekend.


The bride thought she would get her make up done professionally and so had a trial run a few weeks ago.


The person she booked claimed to work for Yorkshire Television and "did all the stars"!


The individual who turned up was 6' 2, with huge hands and feet, orange make up over obvious stubble, Dolly Parton wig and false nails a mile long. The bride was made up to look like a pantomime dame, so she made her excuses and didn't make a booking for the day.


What a good job.


Imagine if this had happened on the day.

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I agree Sarah. I would object and be totally honest about my reasons.


I did my own make-up - not much at all - and my own hair - I washed it! kept it simple!

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What goes round comes round I say! I'm a true believer of that!!!


The hairdresser did our hair lovely, that's one thing but she should have got my sister done, when she saw that time was pushing on. She could have cut corners with the bridesmaids! She even tonged the little ones hair and charged £20 for doing it!!! They weren't even down for having their hair done. She'd also made hair slides and tiara for the little ones and charged £10 each for those too!

The make up woman I was annoyed at. She made my mum look like a dame. Poor mum had to wipe off the eye liner and lippy! It was disgraceful.


In our trials, the hairdresser did the makeup, so on the day we were upset that another woman did it. Plus the colours were not the same as the trial!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I'm fuming!


My sister's mother in law gave the beauticians what for when they wanted paying on Sunday. Good on her. She told them that they owe the organist £120 for playing an extra hour! Go Pat, Go Pat!!!

She has paid the bill I think, but the hairdresser woman has left behind a box of expensive makeup. We are inclined to hide it all & make out that it was stolen on the night of the wedding by guests!!!


The beauticians reckon that they are profesionals, they are not believe me!

The bill said £900, but she has discounted it a bit - but not much! She is a rip off merchant!


She will get her come uppance - people like that always do!


The grrom & vicar were given a message via the ushers about what was happening, so no sweating luckily. But seriously the beauticians could have ruined the day if it had ben at a different church or venue! My dad is gunning for her! Just wait til he sees her. The cow!


No photos yet until hubby takes them off his digital camera. I'm not too sure how to put them on here. I only know how to make a gallery!


We have to put all this behind us now as the rest was gorgeous!


The hall (where the grooms mum and dad live on the farm ) was the perfect seting for the marquee, photos & horse & coach. There would have been horses & coaches there in the 1600's! So it was perfect.

They had an arch made with people throwing confetti on the lawn for them to walk through. They had white doves to release. Reception drinks were fab - made us tiddly very quick! The flowers in the milk churns were fantastic.

Meal was gorgeous - little ones had chocolate sauce from the profiteroles all round their mouths & wanted more!!

The best mans speech was hilarious, something about being hung like a horse!!!!! :shock: The magician was well spooky, choc fountain delicious!

DJ was excellent & we paid him extra to go on til 2.30!

Buffet was brill - we warmed up the leftovers of the buffet at 4.00 in the morning and were dancing to our little CD player in the marquee with the 2 dogs that had ben let into the marquee.

The aftermath in the morning left a lot to be desired - signs of a truly brilliant party. One lad slept in the marquee & the best man was on the sofa in the hall, using my sister's wedding dress as a duvet. So so funny!


We then had lunch in the marquee on Sunday whilst they opened all cards & prezzies!

They are now in Mexico - Riviera Maya - better than this rainy weather here!

A truly unforgettable weekend.



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Emma, that sounds really lovely, idyllic in fact. :D:D Maybe not using the bride's dress as a duvet though! :lol::lol:


You are right - put the make-up scenario behind you and concentrate on the wonderful day. :D:D

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Emma, if she has paid the bill I would seriously think about stopping the cheque!

That is an OUTRAGEOUS amount for what sounds like a rushed & shoddy job.

Take it to small claims if needs be.

She may well get her come uppance, but how amny more Brides & their families will she rip off before she does?


I am glad the rest of the day was good though (sounds like you all deserved it after that)

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£900 :shock::evil::shock::evil:


Most Hollywood productions don't spend that much on makeup, and they get it right and take less time!


Why can't these people see that this is a the biggest day in a daughters/fathers/mothers/sisters/brothers life and screw ups just aren't funny (well not for a few years yet anyway :) ) I hope she is insured!



I am pleased everthing else went well! :D




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Thanks everyone! Although the bill was for £900, she had discounted it to just over £600. Still atrocious!

Anyway, enough of that - some of the photos taken by my hubby can now be viewed at www.retrosound.co.uk

P.S I'm the plumpest bridesmaid with the top hat!!!!!!! :lol: (also on a few other photos). Isn't my sister a sweety? I can't believe she is 28, she is so little!!!!! Bless!





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I'm not sure if this will work.....but hopefully you will be able to see some pics from my best mate's wedding in April. You'll guess who I am as there are more pics of me than the other bridesmaids! (I'm also the one dancing in my pyjamas and crocs!)




[Apologies for hijacking the thread :oops: ]

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