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Joint accounts

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hehe such cheques normally get paid to me

but thye go in th ejoint account anyway


What I get annoyed with is companies that assume that they should deal with OH and not me. Somehow all the utilities end up in his name yet I'm the one who does our accounts and pays them. Often I will have set the originally account up in the first place in both out names but as hes male he comes first grrrr

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We've always had a joint account, ever since we married 21 years ago now. It suits me, he earns more, I spend more and we own half the overdraft :roll: But practically all the savings are in my name since I pay less tax than him, so should I ever choose to run off with the milkman hubby could be in trouble :wink::lol::lol::lol:

Fortunately the milkman is delightful but a little old for me, also happily married, so hubby's safe for the time being :shock:

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What about the postman Kate! :lol:


Now that could be an idea :idea:

He's young, gets plenty of exercise, works hard, great at getting up in the morning 8) called Alan :?

Problem is I rarely see him, doesn't arrive until at least 10am on a weekday by which time I'm well and truly at work, and on Saturdays he turns up at around 8am. I don't think he could fall for me after all the bleary eyed, wild haired exchanges on the doorstep when he unkindly wakes me from my Saturday lay in to sign for a package :shock:

Besides I've seen his knees when he's cycling past in his shorts :shock:

I think hubby's still safe :lol::lol::lol:

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What about the postman Kate! :lol:


Now that could be an idea :idea: I don't think he could fall for me after all the bleary eyed, wild haired exchanges on the doorstep when he unkindly wakes me from my Saturday lay in to sign for a package :shock:

I think hubby's still safe :lol::lol::lol:


The number of times I have opened the front door just enough to accept a parcel!

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No, Lesley. As the cheque was made out to both of you then each of you is entitled to half the funds. I have been shouted at more than once by customers for refusing to accept joint cheques into sole accounts, even if the other party is there to endorse the cheque at the time of deposit. I do understand that the money does belong to those people, but they should also understand that I have good reason to follow procedures :D

It's a rare week at work if I don't get shouted at by a customer :roll:



oooh! we never shout Jules! :D

we were more annoyed that solicitors etc. assume that we have a joint account, and we just tried paying it in.

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