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Mel (& Paul)


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Yes, I know we've had this topic before but I am still seething from last night. I thought, oh well, I'll cover the chooks eglus up with dust sheets and old duvets, and I'll take the dogs out for their evening walk at 4pm whilst its still light and then batten down the hatches.

So can someone tell me WHY some complete moron was setting off fireworks at 4.30pm when it was still LIGHT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Luckily the newbies were already in their run, so I could close them up and they quickly sought the safety of the eglu. Our oldies were still out so it took ages to calm them enough for them to get in the run. And Blue spent the whole evening shaking and panting, having been innocently pottering around outside when the bangs started.

I love fireworks, but wish they were only set off at organised events and only on certain days. But I am SEETHING that some idiot, who does not have two brain cells to rub together would think it would be a good idea to have fireworks during daylight hours - and these were not one or two bangs that you might expect from children mucking around, this was someone setting off lots.

I think if I ever find out who it was I shall shake them VERY hard by the throat.


rant over

I'll go and have a cup of tea


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:evil: same here Mel.


4pm and someone was letting off huge BIG BANGERS. What a complete waste. I mean, who will see them?


Molly (our cat) refused to come out from behind the sofa until all had died down gone midnight and she's still in bed this morning - very unlike her. The chicks are ok. I covered them over with layers of old carpet to muffle the noise, and we even had an egg first thing.


I've just about had my fill of them this week. On tuesday it was Divali, so we've had them pretty much all week with one thing and another.


I'm all for a bit of firework fun, but when it goes on after 11pm it starts to take the enjoyment out of it. I agree that fireworks should not be available to the public and more organised events should be put on. We went to a great one last night. Fireworks were outstanding.




Ok, that's me done too.


:D face back on

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Last year's new law bans fireworks between 11pm and 7am on every day except Diwali, Chinese New Year, and New Year's Day, when they can go on until midnight. Full details here


I don't think that this goes far enough, as it means that you can quite legally start letting off fireworks from 7 in the morning on any day.


Last night was the worst I have ever known: probably because it fell on a Saturday, and the weather was so good for November.


It's time we stopped celebrating the failure of a Roman Catholic political plot to blow up the houses of Parliament. Guy Fawkes wasn't even burnt: he was hanged, drawn, and quartered. If another nation had such celebrations every year, we would say that they were backward and primitive for burning the effigy of a man because his religious beliefs led him to extreme measures. I don't normally think much of political correctness, but the exultation at the death of a fervent Roman Catholic and the burning of his effigy every year should be banned. Or at least around my house, where the students don't even start letting off their fireworks until just before midnight.

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My friend Sue has a giant English Mastif, Douglas, who is as soft as anything. He's a rescue dog. Last week she took him for a walk in his usual place. It was light. Someone let of a banger quite close by. Now she cant even walk him during daylight hours as he is so traumatised. Blue, my rescue staffy is sitting on my lap, trembling, because a door banged in the wind and she thought it was fireworks :evil::evil::evil:

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Hi Gallina,


The law doesn't do enough to enforce these rules does it? There was no sign of any law enforcement round our way last night after 11pm and can you imagine going round there shaking the letter of law at them. You'd end up with a firework down your trousers :shock:


Traditions are always the same. Somewhere along the line they get turned into money making capitalist ventures. Take Christmas for example. 'Santa' and his Red Coat and White Beard was born out of the 'Coca Cola' marketing department, and look at us now. It is so far removed from the religious non profit making celebration it probably started out as many moons ago.


Coca Cola were very clever indeed when they involved children.

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I say that the only was the law can be enforced is just




Then people would not be able to buy them, & would have to go to displays, which usually give profits to charity too!


Our lovely Staffie Millie was terrified last night ,& we are lucky enough to live in a rural area where firewprks are at a minimum anyway.


There should also be a law saying that they can only be set off on certain days (JUST firwork night,not a week either side) & other celebratory occassions like New Years etc.

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But the grand charity firework display in South Park, Oxford was the worst thing of all for me last night! Although it was half a mile away, my windows were shaking.


Think of the people who live near these public displays as well: industrial-sized fireworks are the noisiest of the lot, and also cause the most damage if anything goes wrong.

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Yes, but at least you know when it will be and what the time schedule is, allowing for you to make plans for pets. The fireworks displays I have been to last no longer than 20 or so minutes.


Beats 5 days a week 4pm - 12pm in my book.


I think a complete ban would be hard work for you Gallina! More of a headache than putting up with organised fireworks for 20 minutes a year :)

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Point taken, but not selling fireworks to the general public would stop kids getting hold of them & letting them off in streets & playing fields,& possibly causing injury.


Also, with displays you KNOW when they start & finish.

So you don't get the constant fireworks from 4pm until midnight like we did here last night!


You can make arrangements for your animals knowing that it will all be over at a certain time....sounds good to me :wink:

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You lot obviously haven't heard the news this morning, about the eleven people injured at a public display last night: Details here


It is good to know that that a public display will stop eventually, but the one I am talking about is one of the biggest in the country. It goes on for about an hour and a half, and our house shakes with the explosions. It attracts tens of thousands of people.

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Thanks for that link Gallina, I hadn't seen that. From the end of the article:


"The nuisance fireworks - the air-bombs, the bangers, the mini-rockets and all these things that were causing the problems - those have gone now, unless you buy them illegally.


"Banning will certainly not help, it'll make it worse."


I didn't know they had banned those types of firework....there have been an awful lot of people buying fireworks illegally 'round our way then! I don't think fireworks should be on sale to the general public at all (although displays carry their risks as well, as demonstrated in the article). I'd be all for public displays only, or maybe if you have some sort of licence. Too many people don't know how to be responsible with fireworks. One of my friends is having a terrible weekend with her horse. He was spooked by someone setting off fireworks close by the stables on Friday and ran into a fence and has been anxious and off his food and drink ever since.

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Some absolutely moron on Friday night, just across the road from us was setting of professional standard bangers - you know the one's with the "minimum safety radius 100m" stickers all over them? These were being set off in a 1900s garden of maybe 15 square metres. The whole house shook. Luckily the girls were OK and don't seem to have suffered any ill effects (Sheffield chickens - they're well hard :D).




Let's do like King James and have some fun with people who like messing around with large quantities of gunpower ;)

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You lot obviously haven't heard the news this morning, about the eleven people injured at a public display last night: Details here


It is good to know that that a public display will stop eventually, but the one I am talking about is one of the biggest in the country. It goes on for about an hour and a half, and our house shakes with the explosions. It attracts tens of thousands of people.


I had read that actually & was sorry to see that there had been injuries at a public display.

They should of coures be properly organised by people who know what they are doing,maybe they should be liscenced in some way....pass a test of some sort.


But St Johns Ambulance were there at the display to help out with injured people,which should also be a given at any firework display.

This makes it safer for everyone, & naturally if there are no private fireworks it will give our already stretched emergency services more chance to answer calls to public displays.


And I also know all about living in an area which is swamped by people attending a function.

You should try living in Henley during the Regatta & having to cope with the crowds,traffic,noise & disruption for an entire week!


I am sure last night was a coplete nightmare for you & your chickens & I really sympathise, but I would still like to see nothing but public displays,& then only on the 5th.

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I love my chooks, BUT, I also like fireworks (big kid me).


You have to get things into perspective, for instance, it is unreasonable to expect the whole of our neighbouhood to know that we keep chickens. I therefore can't expect everyone to take into account how much it will upset our beloved chooks when they are setting off their fireworks.


I consider that the responsibility to protect the chooks has to be mine and I must try to protect them as much as possible.


I do agree that the time for letting off fireworks should be limited even further though, this would give us the opportunity to know exactly what days we had to provide protection for our pets.


I believe that we now have far too much legislation in this country and far too many laws that are there for our 'protection' :roll: PLEASE don't give Tony and his cronies an opportunity to bring in even more rules and regulations :wink:





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Mel / Paul


Yes, I agree. It is a damn nuisance when they are let off during daylight. I am trying to chill out about it though and not let it get to me :roll:


Unfortunately i'm on antibiotics at the moment otherwise i'd be pouring myself a large Southern Comfort :D (see post elsewhere about bad reaction to pneumo jab :( )





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