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I think I have finally lost the plot........I have applied for an allotment, thought there is no point in taking over my garden to grow things when it would make more sense to have a small plot for £25 a year, its hardly worth messing up my garden for......


I darent tell OH..... :(

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you havent lost the plot - you've just gained one !!! HA HA :lol::lol:


no, seriously - you're not silly - we've had ours a year. Its a ridiculously high price of £12 for 1 year !! :roll::lol::lol:


I think we are the only people under 40 on our allotment, and we are a bit of a novelty. mind you other people (friends/family/work colleagues) do laugh at us....dogs, chickens, allotment....they do a lot of :roll::roll::roll: faces

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Well done you :D


What's 50p a week compared to all those lovely fruits and veggies you can have and all the fresh air and exercise


He'll be delighted :pray::wink:

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I think I have finally lost the plot
Didnt realise that I put that :lol::oops:


How long do you spend a week tending to it?? How big is the plot?


£12 a year, Im getting ripped off at £25 then lol :)


not enough time to be honest. Its a huge plot, please dont ask me measurements as I dont know! :oops: but its the biggest plot on the allotment which is not really what we needed. Most people up there are retired so they are tending the plots every day :shock: . We as working folks only get up there on a weekend. ( I say we - but hubby does all the digging/planting :lol: ). We get awful trouble with weeds, of course you cant really spray anything, the plot was rotavated at the beginning of the year but really try and spend as much time as possible up there to get the most out of your plot.


We are still novices to be honest, there are more expert people on here I think! At the moment we grow the basics like spuds/kidney beans/onions/spinach/cauli's etc.

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Well done Karl! Scary how this chicken lark starts off with an eglu and a couple of chickens and ends up with grand designs on small holdings and allotments! :lol:


I've also applied for an allotment - there aren't any in our village yet, but enough people have now applied to the council and some land has been set aside for the use. Should be up and running by the end of the year! I can't wait! 8)

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I was chatting to Andrew (onemanbanned) early about it....The whole thing start with the council offering black boxes to recycle, then we started wanting to save energy, then chickens, organic products and now an allotment........


Its all getting a bit scary to be honest lol

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m 34 - and 4 days ) Couperwife


I'm 32 Couperwife & I get frowned upon for being alternative!!!

Even my hubby's sister calls him alternative! Our caravan club call us a pair of hippies! :roll:


People just don't get the outdoor life & love for chooks, fresh veg etc. Most people my age are down the pub at weekends. But me, there is nothing nicer than a nice meal sat watching your chooks & pottering about the garden.


We're the normal ones, it's everyone else that's nuts!



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m 34 - and 4 days ) Couperwife


I'm 32 Couperwife & I get frowned upon for being alternative!!!

Even my hubby's sister calls him alternative! Our caravan club call us a pair of hippies! :roll:


People just don't get the outdoor life & love for chooks, fresh veg etc. Most people my age are down the pub at weekends. But me, there is nothing nicer than a nice meal sat watching your chooks & pottering about the garden.


We're the normal ones, it's everyone else that's nuts!




Ditto, we are exactly the same :shock::shock:


The girls at work get fed up with asking me out as my reply is "I dont do town". They have us down as a pair of nutty country bumpkins with allotment and chickens.:) . AND we have a caravan!! I love my own company, company of my animals and nature etc. Much rather be like me than getting wasted down the pub!

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m 34 - and 4 days ) Couperwife


I'm 32 Couperwife & I get frowned upon for being alternative!!!

Even my hubby's sister calls him alternative! Our caravan club call us a pair of hippies! :roll:


People just don't get the outdoor life & love for chooks, fresh veg etc. Most people my age are down the pub at weekends. But me, there is nothing nicer than a nice meal sat watching your chooks & pottering about the garden.


We're the normal ones, it's everyone else that's nuts!




Ditto, we are exactly the same :shock::shock:


The girls at work get fed up with asking me out as my reply is "I dont do town". They have us down as a pair of nutty country bumpkins with allotment and chickens.:) . AND we have a caravan!! I love my own company, company of my animals and nature etc. Much rather be like me than getting wasted down the pub!


Ditto to that too! (I've also got a campervan!)

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There's nothing wrong with getting wasted down t pub! :D


Maybe when we get the allotment we can get a nice shed with a bar in!


Chickens do seem to have the 'Good Life' effect! Cathy is practising her Felicity Kendall impression 'Oh Tom'. :lol::lol:


Strangely enough Tom was a draughtsman in the series and so was I....well not in the series obviously.


Haven't got a clue about growing veg but what the hell! :D


We are going to give the plot a drive past to see which one is vacant. Probably be the one with 9ft weeds and a burnout shed knowing my luck!



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