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When I grow up..........

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... I would operate on tiny tears ...

I was not content wit my Tiny Tears crying and urinating - to be truly realistic she would need to poo also. :shock: So I squished a good half a weetabix into her tiny mouth and tried to squeeze it out through her only lower orrifice. She got clogged up .... if only Buffie were there to operate ... :roll:

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... please don't let there be a new one...What's yours like? :oops::wink:

:lol::lol::lol: Sorry Guys! But I'm obviously not the only oddbod given that Lesley's sister did the same :wink: I shan't tell you what I did when I discovered about pubic hair and was rather miffed that none of my Sindys/dolls had any :shock: (save that it involved cutting Sindy's hair and some glue) :shock::oops::oops:

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what did you do when you discovered Ken :shock::oops:

I was thrilled when I received Paul as a present to go with my Sindy. But, when I undressed him, went running to big sis, who was on phone to boyfriend (soon to be ex boyfriend, embarrassing little sis :oops: ) shouting, Look, he can't be a boy...he's the same as Sindy, look, look, how do you know he's a boy? :oops::oops:

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I can see that we are going to get onto men's giblets again :roll:


When Rosie was about 2, I picked her up from nursery, and the girl who looked after her said not to be alarmed, but one of the children had a new baby sister; mummy had told her how the baby got out, and since then the children had spent all day re-enacting a c-section with the dollies. A bit like the day when their new favourite word was 'WILLLIES' - they were too young to understand, but saw that it caused consternation and laughter, so chanted it all day!

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