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Anyone believe this ?

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Bit of a more balanced version from the BBC here:




I can't access the paper at the moment to see if the news stories accurately reflect what was published (it often doesn't), but all I would say is it's the research and opinion of one person. Plus the apparent guide lines used to judge welfare in this study were stress levels (normally measured by measuring the amount of a certain hormone in the blood), mortality, bone fractures and pecking other hens. I would probably expect increased mortality in free range hens as they are not as easy to keep a close eye on individuals, more likely to catch diseases from wild birds and Mr. Fox might get access... and I guess broken bones would be more likely if they are moving around more?


It's a shame I don't have any lectures at the vet school this year, I would love to ask our chicken lecturer her opinion as she studied this area :)

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This was discussed on radio 4 today. The point being made was that you can get badly kept free range hens and very well kept caged hens. They found that many caged hens were living longer and healthier lives than some at free range farms. The consensus was that free range is generally best, but that free range doesn't always give a complete picture of the welfare standards. A good point I think.

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Its a Daily Mail article and i would like to actually read the scientific publication!


Everyone always knows that it would vary from farm to farm as all farms do! I have seen 'organic' farms that shocked me a bit! but i'm sure there are others that wouldn't.


Having been in enriched cage barns i have a strong opinion on this. :evil:


You could keep a horse in a stable all its life and it would suffer less injury than those in a field living as a herd but is that better??

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I did a week work experience at a 100,000 chicken farm. 20,000 pullets in barn free range, 30,000 barn and grass free range and 50,000 colony (enriched cages). Free range isn't as brilliant as everyone thinks as they are still allowed 9 birds per square metre and although this lot did have access to outdoor grass, only very few chickens went outside as it was very scary having been brought up in a barn and also the farmers do not put food or water out there and provide a scratching area inside so the birds have no reason for them to go outside as the farmers don't want the birds outside as they have to use more energy on heat and movement and less on egg production. However...if an animal died in the barn in free range or broke a leg or had an infection they were culled/found much quicker than colony which I think is a good thing as in colony some weren't found until they were almost fully decomposed. Yes I agree the mortality rate is higher in the free range than colony as they move around there is way more potential for fractures and illness as they have access to all the bacteria outside. The commercial hens that are used are specially bred for purely egg laying so anything else - like fighting infections is subsidised. The commercial hens are not suited for the free range systems, they thrive in the cages. Saying this I disagree with feather pecking at my farm...it was a lot worse in colony as in free range the hen at the bottom of the pecking order was able to move out of the way and get away but as colony is in cages it was much harder. Also the mortality rate is also higher in free range as they are on deep litter system whereas colony is on conveyor belt that cleans every 3 days.


Colony is definitely better than battery but saying they have an area to scratch and perch is literal sense...there is a piece of fake grass (similar to what the fishmongers put there fish on) under a couple of sheets of plastic curtain hanging from the top of the cage. The curtain and mat comprised a nest box. and there was a couple of metal poles about 10cm above the cage that were perches. My guess is that they weren't as stressed as everything was the same. Free range has variety in there life, they can choose where they go and what they do and are a lot calmer than colony when a human comes in. Whereas in colony you have to walk very slowly...if you walk too fast they will freak and it has a ripple effect, the cage freaks and tries to fly then they freak the cages next door and the ones on top and beneath them so the whole barn ends up trying to fly in their cages. Also if you walk the opposite way round the barn or do anything out of the ordinary that makes them freak. If you are carrying anything - like a bucket - they will freak.


So overall none are brilliant but I still think free range is better as chickens do love to fly and stretch their wings like any bird does.

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Thanks clunky that is really interesting. I guess it's the supermarkets fault as they force the prices too low. I saw eggs at basically 15p each the other day. Once you take out costs it's prob about 10p profit per day per chicken? :x


That's pretty rubbish. No wonder they need so many to make any kind of living. I kinda sympathise with the farmers, and wish people would recognise how cheap their food is, and expect to pay more, so they could have a decent life.

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I completely agree. And its less. For colony they get 6p an egg or 2p for a cracked or dirty shell and nothing for smashed omes. Not sure about free range probs slightly more but it won't be much. The supermarkets highly inflate the price :( and then you have to take away electricity costs, workers, feed, vitamins and all the medication. And another interesting fact is they buy the birds for £8 a bird with transport and when they have done there season tbey only sell for 10p a bird with transport :/

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