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Missing Daisy.

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Daisy has been gone for 4 months now and I still miss her an awful lot.

When I decorated our tree this year, it made me feel sad because we have these noisy bells on it, and every year you could always tell Daisy was having a sneaky sniff of things because the bells would make their noise.

We have left sweeties on the floor - no one to nibble them this year, little yummies that have fallen on the floor have been picked up instead of being yaffled by Daisy, and I'm sure I heard her drinking out of the pond the other day - but of course it was just a noise.

The 18th of Dec would have been her 17th birthday - a birthday she shared with our daughter who was so excited at the age of 5 to find that Daisy was born on the same day.

Near where we used to walk we have a wishing tree, where pet owners put photos of passed away pets and a little message for Christmas. I couldn't bring myself to part with the photo for the wishing tree even though I knew I could print another one.

I watched Paul O'Grady with his Christmas dogs looking for homes - I managed to cope with that.


When does it get easier ?

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I really feel for you, we lost our little yorkie Molly on 1st July this year and I still have times when I have a tear. For me it was the wrapping up of the presents, she was a little monkey and used to get so excited by balls of wrapping paper and the role of tape so I missed her little presence.

Having lost dogs in the past it does get easier and you are able to remember them with more of a smile than a tear.

Sending hugs xx

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I am so sorry to hear that missing Daisy is still so painful for you :( Dogs do steal such a large part of our hearts don't they? I can't offer any real words of wisdom, as different people cope in different ways, and at different times. In our family, the emptiness of a dog-less house has always been too difficult and we have always welcomed a new dog into our house very quickly, never as a replacement, but as a distraction and something to focus on. Other people need to grieve for the dog they have lost before considering another dog. There is no right or wrong way. My parents lost their dog last year after nearly 16 years and decided that they were too old to take on another dog. It's been much more difficult for them this time around as there was no distraction of another dog. They have borrowed our dog when they need a dog 'fix', but I know that even a year on, they hate coming home to an empty house when they have been out, and no wagging tail to greet them first thing in the morning. I'm sorry, that was a very long and rambling way of saying that things WILL get easier, but in your own time. Hugs from Rutland x

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So sorry to hear that you are feeling so sad. I think it does get easier with time.


We used to have Fat Choy who was Cairn he belonged to my FIL and we used to look after the dog if FIL went away but always said we couldn't have a dog. But when FIL died suddenly we had to have Fat Choy. Fat Choy died four years ago and it is definitely easier now, I can look back and enjoy the good memories of him and FIL. By the time Fat Choy died we also had two labs so I think made it a bit easier.


Very sadly when we were burgled they took Fat Choy's ashes :(


Hugs from East Northants.



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Oh Purplemaniacs, I'm so sorry they stole the ashes of your beloved dog.

That was a very cruel thing of them to do along with the other things they took.

I hope they rot in ....


I know things will get easier in time, and I would like to get 2 puppies one day, but not in this house. I would like to live in a more countrified house with a much bigger garden.

I never really was a doggy person. As a youngster dogs would always go for me and I really didn't like them at all.

Having Daisy was a way to get to like dogs and I did love her very much, but she did get attacked by other dogs 3 times and sometimes other peoples dogs just wouldn't leave her alone. I much preferred our walks when it was just me and her.

If I got more dogs in the future I would still have the fear of the other big dogs, especially black ones ( that is a big thing of mine ) and sometimes these days it is nice not to go for walks when it is yucky outside or you are feeling poorly.

We'll see what the future holds....Hubby has said that he hasn't ruled out having a dog sometime - just not yet.

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Luvachicken, I cant add to what has already been said, but I can imagine the pain you must be feeling. You go back so far together, and whilst that is good, its possibly why her passing is so hard. You have had 17yrs of shared times, 17yrs of memories. Perhaps as winter gives way to spring, and the days lengthen, things will seem a little easier. Love Ax

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