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Martin B

Worried about Winter

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I'm really worried about the winter months.


I've told my family we will never need to buy veg again, and I would preferably like to keep to my word. I am just so worried that there will not be enough food.


In the ground already I have Red Cabbage, Cauli, Brussel Sprouts, Turnip and Butternut Squash.


In my greenhouse I am going to be planting my Christmas Spuds, courgettes inside one of those mini greenhouses (aswell as in the glass house), I also plan to plant herbs and carrots, just in case my crop outside fail.


I've got Kohl Rabhi, Spring Onion, Butternut Squash, Spring Cabbage and Cauliflowers ready to be sown.


I've just gone onto ebay in the last few minutes and I've bought Winter Raddish, Turban Squash and Spinach seeds.


If you look at that list, I think I should be ok.


But I can't help but worry, that I won't have enough fresh veg.


Is anyone else worrying or is it just me?




P.S Christian is sending me some seeds aswell but I can't remember what they are, Kale I think! :lol:

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Yes Martin, Curly kale! :lol::lol:


Will fish out some winter lettuce too! :wink:


Is your greenhouse heated? You can buy really cheap heaters that run on gas. Maybe then you could grow some more as it seems that you are supplying half of Warwickshire! :wink:


Don't worry about growing enough, i'm sure your family appreciate what you do!

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I wouldnt think there would be many gangs in the midlands


You've obviously never been to Birmingham, Coventry, Wolverhampton, Nottingham........ I could go on

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Hi Martin :D


try here; www.vivaverde.co.uk


on their site they have a page showing what can be sown now.

Off the top of my head, winter bunching onions (keeps you in 'spring' type onions right thru)

All the oriental greens like pak choi, mizuna etc enjoy a late sowing (use small for a tasty salad or larger for stir fries)

bulb fennel

land cress

and some of the seed firms like marshalls or dobies are still sending out brassica plug plants (brocolli etc) for transplanting now.

you can still sow 'all year round' cauliflowers and 'april' cabbages.


I'm sure you'll be fine!

you are doing spectacularly well for your first allotment season :lol:


Tara xxx

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