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What predators apart from foxes will take chickens?

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Buzzards and Red Kites can be added to the list, as well as stray dogs, although a fence that high should keep them out. To avoid aerial attacks we have yellow clothes lines strung across our enclosure and random posts set to break any flight paths between coops and bushes. They won't land if they can't take off again.

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buzzards don't tend to come over built up areas from what I've seen,We get them over the field and motorway less than a quarter of a mile from me 30 seconds flying time tops but we've not had then over the houses . We do get the Peregrines and Sparrow hawks through but their only a threat if food is in short supply as they aren't really built for ground attacks plus they have plenty of fat wood and racing pigeons to go after

foxes and dogs are the main threat in towns most town gardens are a bit to small for birds of pray to risk an attack unless they are really hungry as there isn't much room for them to get out in a hurry well mine is at any rate the biggest bird that'll land in my garden are wood pigeons and magpies the big crows only land on the greenhouse roof

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We've had a mink attack at the farm next door - I think they're the worst; smaller than a fox so can slink through the tiniest of gaps. We've had a fox attack last spring, electric fencing has done the trick there. And we lost a bantam a few years ago, we suspect she'd been taken from above as we found no feathers, and we suspect the local sparrowhawk. She's that prolific around here our neighbour's even had her sitting in his kitchen sink after she overshot her prey and flew through his open window! Picture that, Pete and I stood in his kitchen, not eight feet from this dazed Sparrowhawk, giving us the beadies, trying to figure how on earth you get a set of talons like that our of your house!

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