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One Man Banned

Ahh, that's better.......

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Well today is the last day that I will work for Hertz as I finally leave at 8pm tonight!! :dance:


So expect lots more postings as I'll have a bit of time on my hands for the next few weeks, (at least the end of September) and can have a rest before going to a new job.


So there's all the house to clean from top to bottom, decorate the snug room, spend hours watching the chickens and hopefully get some songs recorded.


Must not end up spending my days in the Omlet bar tho, you know what those unemployed drunks get up to drinking all day!! :lol:




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Hope your day goes quickly today Andrew


Have a lovely rest :wink: before you start your new job and if you ever get bored I'm sure I could find a couple of little jobs you could do :wink:


See you in the bar :D

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Ooh. looks like I am going to miss another sing song in the omlet bar!



Hope you have a lovely evening Andrew - just as some of us are looking forward to a long weekend there's you looking forward to weeks of 'leisure'. Do you have a new job or are you 'just looking'?


For anyone who has not discovered it yet - beware the omlet bar, you will end up staying up late and nursing a headache in the morning! I think its is locted under celebrations these days?

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Enjoy your freedom! I gave up a job I wasn't happy in a three weeks ago and I feel so much better. I am very lucky that I could make that choice as I know a lot of people who would like to but are just not in a position to be able to.

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