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Kenwood chef or a Remoska?

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I have a dilemma! I saw the remoska cooker today in Lakeland & both me & mum were tempted to buy one. We just couldn't be convinced that they were any better or different than a normal oven tho. But they have been playing on our minds since we got home.

However , I also want a Kenwood chef. So which do I buy? Don't say both as I haven't space or money for both - what do you all reckon?



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yeah - hubby is saying the kenwood. I've wanted one for ages too! He's thinking of all the nice coffee cakes he would get made & be able to eat to himself because of my diet! :roll: I'm thinking more for meringues, dough, xmas cakes, mousses. #

I do think the Remoska would get shoved in the cupboard after a while & that I'd need to replace the pans. The one on display in the shop had a really badly worn pan & was new!

Kenwoods go on & on - I've seen vintage ones still working good. Father in law uses his loads!

Yeah I think a kenwood. Been watching a few on ebay & also on ideal world.


I used one once in one of my saturday jobs as a cake decorator & sugar crafter. Made wonderful madeira cakes!


What is the patissiere one for? Just cakes?



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I've got my Mum's 1970s Kenwood Chef and it's wonderful. It's not got any attachments like the liquidiser or mincer anymore but the basic bits work wonderfully and it's fantastic for making biscuit dough and meringues. I've made butter in it loads of times too. Terrific machines and they keep on going and going!

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I've got my Mum's 1970s Kenwood Chef and it's wonderful. It's not got any attachments like the liquidiser or mincer anymore but the basic bits work wonderfully and it's fantastic for making biscuit dough and meringues. I've made butter in it loads of times too. Terrific machines and they keep on going and going!


They certainly do keep going. Mine was a wedding present. 27yrs ago :shock:


It is used at least two or 3 times a week and has been serviced once.

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definately the Kenwood - I swear by mine. I used some of our wedding present money to get it. Be very careful about getting a second hand one from Ebay though - I got very badly stung. The gear box was faulty and they had simply put a load of grease into it. It was leaking everywhere. Needless to say I got negative feedback because I confronted her about it (nicely I must add).


I did buy my brand new one through Ebay though, from Torre Electrics - they were fab, and very reasonable. It was a 'graded' one. Which means it was a return or slightly cosmetically damaged. Mine was as good as new - I wouldn't have known if they hadn't told me. I actually missed the item on Ebay, it didn't sell, so they sold me one at the same buy-it-now price (does this ramble make sense?)


Not sure if they are still on Ebay, but they are a proper shop, so you can google them.



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Thanks for that Redfrock. This post has got me going about a Kenwood again, so looked on ebay last night. Need to watch for a while though to see what they are going for. Torre Electrical is still trading but no chefs at the moment. Can anyone tell me - what's the best model to go for? It all looks a bit confusing! :?


(MIL is very kindly sending some money our way - OH says it is his turn to spend it, but I can't think of anything he'd like better than a Kenwood, can you? :twisted: )

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Darling hubby now informs me that we ' might' have an old kenwood chef in one of his ' junk ' sheds. He thinks he bought one from an auction a few years back. :roll: He said it may look a bit old fashioned, but he thinks all the bits are with it. He is going to check if it's still there tomorrow, as it could have been chucked out.

If it's there, it will be making him the best coffee cake ever & I will be buying a remoska!!!!!! he he


What are hubby's like eh? :lol:



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oooo we have 6 sheds ( if you include the garage) in varying states of 'quality' items within. We even have one with a luxury comfy sofa in & a sh##e shelf (don't ask). Hubby has not found the kenwood yet & he's now down to shed 6 (in frog area). I wonder what he is going to bring out next?

Yesterday, he came out with an iron, a dj scratch box ??? I had great fun scratching & rapping :lol: He also came out with a motor from a Sinclair C5 electric vehicle from the 80's Oh & a bottle of pepsi with 2005 on it! NOthing amazes me anymore!

No wonder I bought him a t shirt with Lost the Plot on it.


Emma.x ( & the magic sheds)

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I'd definitely go for the Kenwood - mine is 40 years old and still going strong with only one service, and until recently, it was used twice a week to knead bread dough, which is a tough job.


They're for different things though; the Kenwood is for prepping food, whereas the Remoska is for cooking... tough choice. :?

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Got talking to my Stepmum at weekend about Kenwood Chefs - she's just rung me to say she's found one in a charity shop for £25 and did I want it! :roll: Silly question! She's just rung back to say she's seen it working, it's fine and she's bought it for £20! :dance: :dance: :dance:

I love a bargain! (And I love my Stepmum! What a star! :lol: )

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