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Hippie Chick

A Chicken Recovers from Marek's Disease

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I'm on Facebook and have been following a backyard chicken keeper's page for a couple of years now.  She's situated in Arizona and like most of us she's been learning as she goes along.  Several of her flock died unexpectedly and unfortunately Marek's was the cause.  One chicken, only a few weeks old when Marek's struck suffered leg paralysis and the usual weakness that Marek's brings seemed particularly feisty and her owner decided to give her a fighting chance as long as she didn't seem to be suffering.  A chicken wheelchair was donated, she became an indoor chicken and amazingly today 'Checkers' was able to walk around again.  Her owner is an incredibly compassionate lady and has documented her experience of Marek's and shared her research with us and how it's affected the way she's had to change how she treats her little flock even when she's been heartbroken by her losses.  It's been a very informative - and today heartwarming - journey and I hope Checkers continues to make progress.  I'm going to share a link to the video and summary of what's happened, fingers crossed it works.  If it doesn't then if you are on Facebook and interested in taking a look then the page is A Coven of Cackling Hens.


Here goes: Checkers

Edited by Hippie Chick
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We had a cockerel when I was young who I’m pretty sure had non fatal mareks. He was all wonky, struggled to walk and spent most of the day sitting down outside the kitchen window waiting for treats. My sister and I would walk around with him on our shoulder pretending he was a parrot!

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Leentje had leg paralysis. And although she was a tiny and very feisty chicken, I had her pts in the end anyway. She wasn’t able to chicken as she used to. Did give her a week or two with very high dose of vitamin B to see if that made a difference. Sadly it didn’t.

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2 hours ago, Natspringy said:

Thank you so much for sharing! We have a mareks positive flock. I'd love to hear more about her research or changes she's made to the way she treats her flock.... Is there a link to her documentary?

Thank you so much :)

This is the link that Hippie Chick shared



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Natspringy there's a Facebook page she has called A Coven of Cackling Hens where you can find out more about Checkers and see how she was a few months ago as well, but if you don't have Facebook this is the text that went with the video "This is AMAZING! Checkers is walking! 
If you are new, this is Checkers. She is an exchequer leghorn. She began to show symptoms of Marek’s disease in January. It hit hard and fast. In the matter of a couple days, she went from normal late teen peep to paralyzed, barely able to hold her head up. I immediately had a dander test done and it came back positive. We are a Marek’s positive flock. But there was something in Checker’s eyes, she wanted to live. She went through many uncontrollable muscle spasms, but the next moment she was looking for pets and love. Marek’s attacks the nerves. The paralyzation happens when it attacks the sciatic nerve. I began vitamin and CBD oil therapy. I carefully watched (and still do) her liquid and food intake. Feeding time was messy as I held a cup of mash right up to her beak for her to eat. But soon she has able to eat on her own. We received the incredibly kind donation of a Chicken Therapy Chair. 2764.png Checkers was not a huge fan, but it provided and easy way for her to eat and drink. And it made physical therapy much more productive. Soon she was sitting up nice and tall. Then she was getting strong enough and flopping herself out of the chair. As I said, she was not a fan! In March, she began “running in place” while in her wheel chair or laying down. Her legs would uncontrollably go through the motion of running. It was exhausting on her. Sometimes her legs would run most of the night. As suddenly as the running started, it stopped. But we saw an immediate drastic improvement! Checkers was standing. Just barely off the floor and for short periods, but wow! Slowly she stood taller and taller. Next she started walking. The walk had a lot of wing flap and zero steering, but it was forward motion. And now look at her! Those are deliberate steps with more control! The will and soul of this little being is STRONG!"

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