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Transporting chickens IN an eglu ?

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Bit of advice please.

We're emigrating to Ireland next month and taking our girls with us (they're classed as pets rather than poultry ;-))

Anyway - we'll be taking them on the ferry overnight but were wondering if it would be OK to pop them into the eglu in the back of the car in the evening - travel overnight and we'll be at our new place the following morning.


The eglu is sturdy enough but also familiar to them so we figured it'd be less distressing than a travel cage


Any ideas or opinions or experience on this matter would be most welcome


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Good luck with emigrating!


Don't see why you shouldn't transport them in the eglu - as you say, it is familiar to them and will probably be less stressful because of that.


Just make sure they have plenty of water (more important than food) coz you don't want them becoming dehydrated.


All the best.




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I transported my two girls in their eglu, and they were quite happy. Mind you it was only a few miles when my friend looked after them while we were on holiday. I think it would be in preference to a cardboard box as they wouldn't slide about so much. They would have something to grip their feet to.

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If you're travelling overnight could you make sure they had something to eat and drink before you board the ferry, then as soon as you come off. When they're in the eglu overnight they don't eat or drink anyway, and in the winter some chooks are locked up from 4pm till 8am with no ill-effects. How long is the ferry journey?

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the ferry journey is about 3 1/2 hours (but there's the 5 hour drive to Holyhead and the 3 hour drive from Dublin to add on as well)


That's part of the reason for taking them overnight so they'll just go to bed in the eglu as normal.


It's not like we can let them out at the services like a dog :lol:


although :roll: hmmmmmm :lol:

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This may sound a bit out there but.................

How about a bunny drinker strapped to the outside of the Eglu,with the drinker bit poked through one of the vent holes in the frount?


d'you know

I was thinking about getting one of those for the girls as I'm fed up of the fact that they kick the hemcore into their water making it really manky on a daily basis...


will give it a go and see if they can get the hang of it

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