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Thanks everyone. I'm going to keep 1 Cream Legbar and 1 Gingernut and I think I have homes for all the rest already :D . I'm going to pick my favourite Legbar this time - the last time I sold all the 'good' ones and kept Wendy as she had curled toes. I love her to bits now though - she's a real 'mummy's girl).

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I started off with 3 hybrids just over a year ago, quickly added another 2 then this year have done 5 hatchings and kept a couple from each hatch. I don't have a cockerel - I buy fertile eggs from ebay and people I've 'met' on poultry forums :D . I've been very lucky that a girl has taken most of the cockerels - she's keeping 2 or 3 for breeding and the rest roam around her field until she finds a 'use' for them :wink: . It's good to know they're roaming free while awaiting their fate.

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Tonight I have another little boy :roll: - a full 2 days after some of his brothers and sisters. I could hear last night he was cheeping but this morning he broke through the shell and there was quite a lot of blood so didn't hold out much hope. I came back from an interview this afternoon and he was half out but soaking wet. Eventually he flopped out and I left him to dry. He's now fluffed up and I've put him in the brooder and dipped his beak - he has dried blood in both his nostrils but seems chirpy enough......and I had a nice even number already :roll: - only joking, nice to see a wee fighter :D

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