chickenmummybythesea Posted March 12, 2005 Share Posted March 12, 2005 (edited) Henrietta started to lay this week, but she doesn't do her egg until tea-time. Is this normal? Will it change? Can anyone advise on this very important matter - I want eggs for breakfast (and so does the baby). Where am I going wrong? ********* Hello there Just thought I'd let you all know how we're getting on here. Henrietta proceeded to do her eggs later and later every day, missed a day and started early again. This went on till last Thursday when Megg did her first egg after 8 weeks & 2 days (threats of the Pot if she didn't perform before Easter I think did the trick) and now Henrietta seems to do hers sometime in the morning anywhere between 10 and 12 and hasn't missed any days yet. Megg does hers about 10 - I've just been to get todays beauty out. They both hang around in the Eglu whilst the other performs. Megg is sensible and does hers in the nesting box, Henrietta seems to be struggling with the concept and mostly does them at the back of the perch, sometimes dropping into the poop tray. Maybe Megg will show her the proper way to do it. Anyway, now that egg production has doubled, we're all very happy and have plenty of eggs at breakfast time. Edited March 29, 2005 by Guest Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nicola H Posted March 12, 2005 Share Posted March 12, 2005 Hi chickenmummy welcome to the forum. A chicken lays an egg every 25 hours so the time of day that they lay does vary I have 3 chickens and they all lay at different times, as the days go on you should in theory get an egg in the morning soon............. Hope this helps your chicken is normal don't worry, keep posting on the forum and join in the fun...... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trish Posted March 12, 2005 Share Posted March 12, 2005 So I was told, most chickens lay about every 25/26 hours which means for my girls one day they'll lay around 8am, the next about 10 ish and so on. If they haven't laid by about 4:30 then it will be no eggs that day and back to early the day after. I think in summer with longer daylight hours they get a bit more regular but I guess they are all individuals. Don't think you're doing anything wrong, if Henrietta (nice name) has only just started laying she may not yet be in a proper rythmn anyway and may change just when you thought you'd got it sussed Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lesley Posted March 12, 2005 Share Posted March 12, 2005 I thought it was 27 hours? Ours lay at all times. Lottie is still laying early - before she comes out of the Eglu. The others are laying in mid/late morning at the moment. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martin Posted March 13, 2005 Share Posted March 13, 2005 The 25 hours between eggs (or 27 hours - or 25.5 hours which is what I read somewhere) is only an average. In my case, Ethel lays every day without fail sometime before eight am. Normally there is an egg waiting for me every morning at about 7, but if there isn't, it turns up by eight. Doris, on the other hand, lays an egg each day, but it gets later and later - and then misses one day and goes back to the morning again. I get about five eggs every week from her at the moment. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jangle Posted March 13, 2005 Share Posted March 13, 2005 Onion usually lays early - Like Martin there is usually an egg waiting for me when I let them out. Sage lays between 7.00am to 9.00am at the moment, and this has been pretty standard for the last 6 weeks or so. This morning they laid within 10 minutes of each other. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Imogen Posted March 13, 2005 Share Posted March 13, 2005 Gertrude is a right pain when it comes to egg times, and follows the whole thing about chickens making an egg in 25 hrs - every day, she gets a bit later in her laying time, and so sometimes we don't get an egg at all on one day but find one in the nest the following day! Her eggs have become a lot bigger after her broody spell. Florence always lays late morningish. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chickenmummybythesea Posted March 13, 2005 Author Share Posted March 13, 2005 Well thank you all for the helpful comments. Of course, today there has been no egg at all (Sundays off maybe?) so I am hoping to see one in the nesting box tomorrow when I let the girls out. About time Megg got going and then I wouldn't mind so much. At least there'd be a chance of one a day! I'll keep you posted Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trish Posted March 13, 2005 Share Posted March 13, 2005 Hi Chicken mummy, If my girls miss a day then, so far, they rush out in the morning, fill their faces with breakfast and then dash back to lay. It's quite comical if they both want to lay. Watching the other hovering just outside the Eglu legs almost crossed Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mrs Frugal Posted March 14, 2005 Share Posted March 14, 2005 Hi Chickenmummy, Even after 9 months, my girls are still rather erratic. At the moment they are both laying around 9am but Jenny often skips a day and lays in the Eglu overnight because it's always waiting for me when I let them out in the mornings. We've gone through all the times in the day with them since they arrived - mornings, afternoons, evenings! We still can't plan a routine for Eglu emptying ! I've had both girls trying to lay at the same time - one in the nest, the other one hovering her bum over the edge - silly girls! Hope Megg catches up with Henrietta - it's nice to have lots of eggs ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 14, 2005 Share Posted March 14, 2005 Hello Chickenmummy, Just wanted to say I think your expression "do an egg" is rather nice! That's all!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SarahJo Posted March 14, 2005 Share Posted March 14, 2005 Ginger .. lays pretty reg, and usually every day before 12. Pepper is the more "round the clock" in that her time moves on everyday It was really nice on mothers day, as both laid early in the morning, at the same time ... then Pepper gets later, then misses ... then theres the egg at 1st light. Followed by Gingers usual ... in the morning. So, sometimes we get 2 eggs in the nest ... followed by a marked seperation of times, with the Pepperpot being one behind, every 2 weeks . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twickenham chickens Posted March 14, 2005 Share Posted March 14, 2005 My ginernut, Florence, lays every morning without fail before we open the run. Sometime before about 6:30-7am. My pepperpot, Emily, lays anywhere between 10am-2pm, occasionally missing a day and laying in the morning. If the chickens are roaming around the garden and emily goes inside to lay, florence will circle the run or wait outside the door while emily lays, funny to watch!.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fowlbird Posted March 15, 2005 Share Posted March 15, 2005 inspired by this thread I took note of egg laying times this morning. I was up early this morning, let the hens out at 6am and exactly an hour later Ginger laid an egg complete with one very soft and silky feather attached. The feather is being saved for the grandsons! So far Gertrude hasn't lain - this is in line with what others have experienced isn't it? It must be Gertrude causing those occasional egg free days! I'll put a photo of the feathered egg in our album (Our Girls) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kim Gardner Posted March 15, 2005 Share Posted March 15, 2005 When we first started getting eggs it was at all times of the day!Now we seem to have settled for around 7am. Kim Mrs.Frisby Clary Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fowlbird Posted March 15, 2005 Share Posted March 15, 2005 Gertrude's egg arrived at precisely 10.44! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mrs Frugal Posted March 15, 2005 Share Posted March 15, 2005 Did you hear the clunk? It's amazing we don't get more cracked ones with the noise they make when they drop them !! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...