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Can't Decide

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this probably will not be much help as i only have cream legbars out of your options. they are very friendly, calm and eat anything you give them. but at 30 wks are still not laying but i will be on the lookout for the blue/green eggs that they are supposed to lay. they are also sexed from hatching so you wont have any accidents with cockerals (i am sure one of my silkies is a cockeral)

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I also love the Wyandottes and they were my 1st choice when I was going to get my new chooks.


However, I read up on various breeds beforehand as I wanted a docile, quiet, easily tamed bird. So we plumped for a 2 cochins which are beautiful.


We have a Maran, she is an excellent egg layer - very reliable - but she isnt particularly friendly....she is a little busybody - very active, always scurrying around and makes lots of mess! she does make us laugh. :lol:


I was told friendly easily tamed chickens would be - Rhode Island reds, Orpingtons, Brahmas, Cochins.


But all your choices are lovely, its difficult to decide isnt it!

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