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We started our pet family with fish, 8 years back... We still have some (though not the same ones as 8 years back)... they're tropical fish, mollies and clown loaches and a few other species, and congo frogs...

We started with fish cause we thought they'd be the easiest to keep with a two year old running around... the worse we got was her finger marks all over the tank, at least she couldnt grab them or set them free... We then added rabbit and guinea pigs, then cats, then cockatiels, then chickens, then rats, then more cats... my friends say I have to apply for a zoo license. Sadly the rabbit and guinea pigs and cockatiels are no longer alive (nothing to do with the cats, I swear). The fish tank is still a wonderful thing to have in the sitting room, calming, could look at it for hours... as do my cats, thinking that must be cats' TV.... I hope the fish inside don't get too traumatised by it!!!

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With scentence structures like that, you better watch out for Egluntine.


Cheeky beggar! :lol: :lol: Very funny though.


In any case, a sentence has to start with a capital letter, finish with a full stop and contain grammar.


The word "sentence" does not have a "c" after the "s". :lol: :lol:

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I recently downsized from a huge tank (fed up of water up to my armpits when it needed cleaning :roll: ) and now have something much more user friendly. Most of my fish are now over ten years old. I love the clown loaches when they lay on their sides to sleep - catches CTB out every time - he always thinks they've died :shock:

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We dug out a pond for our 3 fish about 4 - 5 yrs ago digging through thick grey clay. We thought we were wasting our time and that they would die within the first week, but, they thrived and bred.


We had to replace the liner this year and therefore had to catch all the fish we counted 20 but they are hard to count. At that stage we still had the original 3 but we may have lost one of those this summer because it has not been seen for some time. The missing fish can't swim very well and has lived at the bottom of the pond living on the leftovers for a couple of years.


Has anyone else had terrible trouble with algae this summer? Our pond is in the shade for most of the day and as I say we did replace the liner this summer but we put back a lot of the original water. It has cleared beautifuly now but we have hardly seen our fish this year.


Happychookie is at present working on his sentence contruction at grammar school, we will be analysing his posts for improvements :D

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Oh I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one in a constant panic about the clown loaches sleeping on their back or side... when we first had them I must have thought them dead ten times a day, and now they still occasionally scare me!!!!

Come to think of it, I think one of the cats took some lessons from them, maybe she wanted attention... I came home one day and she was sprawled out on the terracotta floor in the conservatory, not moving, with her mouth and eyes wide open staring vacantly at the ceiling... usually when I come in she'd move, come to me for a cuddle, or at least twitch her ear or turn her head, but that time nothing... I called her name a couple of times, fearing the worst, and she still didn't react... I charged to her in total panic thinking she'd had a heart attack or something and she turned to me with a look that said 'what is all the commotion about?'... I'm absolutely sure she must have learnt this from the fish, she is always staring at them!!

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Oh I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one in a constant panic about the clown loaches sleeping on their back or side... when we first had them I must have thought them dead ten times a day, and now they still occasionally scare me!!!!


I have been known to tap the glass once or twice myself, just to make sure :oops::oops:

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