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I forgot,I don't like Monkeys of any sort either.

From teeny little ones to Gorillas - they all creep me out :roll:


Luckily I don't come across them that often in rural Oxfordshire :lol:


I also have a strange hatred & suspicion of Magicians.

I do come across them fairly often as Paul Daniels lives in town, but I can cross the road if I see him coming.


I couldn't even park next to his car last summer (number plate - Magic 1) :roll:

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Frogs after one jumped on my bare foot and suckered itself to me, I was trying to kick it off for a good few minutes and it totally freaked me out. :anxious::anxious::anxious:


Heights (am Cabin crew, but going up the aircraft steps is awful)


Masks (its just not right)


Those 'human statues' in the street when people paint themselves and stand still for ages, then move - freaky


Churches (the huge ones, all quiet, I break into a cold sweat)


Really dislike tea bags in sinks! Drives me mad, not a phobia, just OCD. Put it in the BIN!


The child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, still can't watch it.

"lollipops! I smell children" Sooooo creepy.

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I don't have real phobias...a strong dislike for certain things though such as being stuck in a large crowd of people.


My OH's mum is absolutely terrified of snakes. She can't even look at photos of them and insisted that the snake pages of nature books were ripped out before her children could bring them in the house! :lol:

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The child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, still can't watch it.
My daughter...aged 26...is terrified of him to this day. I'm not keen myself.



omg omg you've just reminded me i hated the child catcher unfortunatly i'm not 26 :roll: wish i was! Also darleks especially now that they can climb stairs and hover :anxious:



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I have a strange phobia - it's a bit like agoraphobia but inside large buildings.....for example, if I'm sight-seeing in a church or cathedral, and I'm walking along a side aisle covered by a balcony, I can't then cross the central nave to get to the other side....I usually have to walk all the way to the back of the church and continue around under the "safety" of the balcony........same with theatres etc.

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I am frightened of walking down stairs without a bannister. (This started after having my leg in a plaster cast.) Now when ever I am out in public gardens, etc and have to face these stairs my husband walks ahead or to my side so I can rest my hand on his shoulder. Sweet isn't he?


I used to hate anything to do with eyes. I could not retrieve an eyelash from my own eyes, until I was a teenager. But I still hate going to the optition.

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Kathy I have a thing about rail-less stairs as well! :shock::D As a child I used to go round to a friends house and the stairs up from her basement ran up the side of the wall but had no hand rail. Used to terrify me! I'd forgotten about it, haven't seen any stairs without rails for many years, until I visited another friends house for the first time recently. Her stairs are just the same - with just a very low 'kickboard' up the side. I went up to use the loo with my back pressed firmly against the wall! :roll::lol:

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