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Do any of you guys have any strange phobias ?


My worse one is handling doors or touching handles in public , im convinced i'll catch germs and be ill if i can't clean them quickly ,"so have to always pull the sleve of my top down to open a door ect ..


Whats yours :lol:

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This reminds me of when my younger son was about 6. He brought some manky old rabbit bones home and stashed them under his bedroom carpet (that's what happens when you give them a bit of culture by taking them to a museaum :shock:) Anyway, when I evenually tracked them down and explained to him about the germs and diseases on them he said but its OK mum, I didn't touch them, I wrapped them up in my jacket!

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Cotton wool :shock:


I can't stand the noise when you tear cotton wool apart. Makes my hair stand on end and my teeth and mouth go dry. Cotton wool balls are evil :lol:


Not very good with heights :? I can feel funny looking over the banisters at the top of the stairs :roll:

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I have a real phobia about being in crowds. I first thought it was claustrophobia but working in an MRI scanner convinced me it wasn't that. I just hate the feeling of being surrounded by people.......but I'm fine at concerts :?

Maybe I'm just frightened of chavs?? It seems to overwhelm me in Birmingham city centre on a Saturday!

I'm Sarah and I suffer with chavphobia :oops:

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Well it's not a phobia as such because I have to face it very regularly, but ear wax makes me shudder. In fact when I'm syringing someone's ears if a great glob of the stuff comes out I actually want to heave :vom:

It's ridiculous, I can hold someone's hair when they're chucking up, I can dress the most disgusting smelly leg ulcers, and the bedpans I have emptied :shock: , but a little chunk of ear wax sends me all yeuccch :shock: .

I do, do, do wish that cotton buds would be banned by the government, they do so like to tell us all what to do :roll: , and preventing those innocuous looking little things from being wriggled down the nation's ear canals would really give me a break :wink:


I'm the same with handles, especially in public toilets, and as for the flusher handle..........I end up using a wad of toilet paper to hold it down :roll: . Also the serving spoons in buffet type restaurants when goodness only knows who served themselves before you, with possibly unwashed hands. I avoid that kind of a place like the plague :shock:

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Another one of mine is people dressed up as gorilla's eeeeeeeek


My OH thought it would be really funny :? to dress up as a gorilla and jump on the bed when I was asleep :shock: scared the wotsit out of me :twisted: and he slept in the spare room that night :twisted:


I know i shouldnt....











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Another one of mine is people dressed up as gorilla's eeeeeeeek


My OH thought it would be really funny :? to dress up as a gorilla and jump on the bed when I was asleep :shock: scared the wotsit out of me :twisted: and he slept in the spare room that night :twisted:



Crikey Alison i've got goosepimples just reading that (Shudders)



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I have a real phobia about being in crowds. I first thought it was claustrophobia but working in an MRI scanner convinced me it wasn't that. I just hate the feeling of being surrounded by people.......but I'm fine at concerts :?


I have exactly the same phobia!! I thought i was the only one....

Sharon :lol:

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