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The Dogmother

Chicken Christmas cards

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I liked those Luke Maitland ones too Fee, bit pricey though when I need to buy 40. As Snowy said, they'd be good for specials.


Sorry, but I;m not keen on the ones on the Omlet shop.


Went to see what I could find in my local Traidcraft and Oxfam shops today.. had a weird experience.. got goosed in Oxfam by an old bloke :shock::shock::shock: Phil laughed when I told him later and asked how on earth I let him get away with it..... it was because he was so old, otherwise he'd have got a sound slap!!!!!!!


Send a cow is my favourite chrity for C'mas pressies too Ginette

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I make and sell poetry greetings cards, but you've all given me a fab idea- I'm going to make my own Christmas cards this year, along the theme of the 3 French Hens. I can just imagine 3 Hens doing the can-can, or 3 hens standing around with stripy jumpers and berets on etc etc


DH is an artist so hopefully he'll agree to doing some designs for me and I'll have to write some poems 'toute de suite'!


I've been boring the whole family with chicken stories, now I can send them all Chicken Christmas cards, yipeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

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