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dirty feet

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I've been looking at some of your photos and your girls (no, I don't have a foot fetish!) have lovely clean feet! Did you wash their feet before taking the pcitures or what cos my lot have the filthiest feet in the world!


I was looking at Vicki's photo (I think it was Vicki) with her chooks on her knee, I'd love to do that but would soon be covered in soil, hemcore and worse!




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Mine have a horrible habit of stepping in runny poo and you only notice it when you've picked them up and they've rubbed it all over your top :roll: . I've only ever washed my hens feet once and that was just before we took Pandora to the vets as they were FILTHY! Normally they all have reasonably acceptable feet which is good for me as I love chicken toes!

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I love chicken toes!


I know, I've seen the photos ;)


Mine look like they've been tarred and feathered! They step in poop or mud or both then aubiose which sticks to the mud/poop! I aint having that anywhere near me! I just give them a tickle or a stroke at the moment but I want to pick them up :)


I'm hoping to be able to give them proper cuddles in the Spring when it's not so icky outside and their feet won't be so wet and stinky.

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I just give them a tickle or a stroke at the moment but I want to pick them up :)


I'm hoping to be able to give them proper cuddles in the Spring when it's not so icky outside and their feet won't be so wet.


You need a chicken cuddling jacket :wink: . Fully machine washable and preferrably camouflage coloured so it doesn't show up the poo and you can cuddle them to your heart's content :wink: .

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You need a chicken cuddling jacket :wink:


I have one of those but must say that my girls feet dont get that dirty anyway (no earth or flowerbeds to dig up :roll: )


Prada did stomp through one of her rather stickier poos once though so I decided to wash her feet - she loved it, she settled down under my arm while I rubbed her feet in warm water - trouble is she kept curling her toes round my finger which made cleaning a bit more difficult!


Quite sweet though really ( I've done it a few more times since just cos she enjoys it ) :oops::lol:

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I was looking at Vicki's photo (I think it was Vicki) with her chooks on her knee, I'd love to do that but would soon be covered in soil, hemcore and worse!:(


Yup, it woz me. You may be pleased to know that Maisie jumped on my knee yesterday and covered my jeans in mud :lol: . The first photo was taken in September when it was nice and dry.


You could always keep an old towel handy for your knees - I love it when they jump up 'cos you can give them a lovely stroke :) .

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DH has a donkey jacket style jacket but it's softer than that and grey (hard to describe) anyway, he uses it to clean the chooks out and it's really warm so i, erm, sort of borrowed it and picked Maud up as she is the friendliest, always comes to me and lets me stroke her.


So, I picked her up and sat on the bench with her under my arm and stroked and tickled her neck and talked to her- all was fine until I shifted bum cheeks, she took her chance and made a flap for freedom, covering the coat, my chin and hands in unmentionables!


the coat is in the washing machine as we speak! :x:roll:

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I think that letting them out to run on the grass for an hour or so cleans my ladies' feet.


Daisy is growing some super feathers on her legs now - she is only lightly feathered on her legs, not like Cochins, but they are beginning to look really smart. Must get a picture!


if you put them on your knee for the photo then I'm not speaking to you any more! :notalk:

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