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Dancing Gal

Can someone take my girls please?

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I love them and it breaks my heart to ask - but my husband has decided to break up the happy home and I cannot cope with the girls and everything else. :(


I've got 2 beautiful polands, 1 silkie and 1 light sussex. None of them are laying yet - but I would prefer not to take them back to the poultry farm if I can.


Please PM me if you can help and give them a lovely life in a happy home. I live near Fareham in Hants.

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You poor thing, I shouldn't really, we've got 7 already, if you get really stuck (and I don't think you will,) then I'd definitely be interested altho my OH will flip. But like I said if no one else offers don't take them back, I'll look after them for you. Keep your chin up, lots of hugs for you.


Mrs Bertie

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Thanks for all your kind words. I'm in a sad, bad place at the moment emotionally. When all this is done and dusted and I'm out the other side, hopefully I'll be in a place where I can start again with more girls.


But at the moment it's not fair on them to keep them. This house will have to go and when I start my new life alone, hopefully I'll have a garden and get some more girls to love.

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That's a great idea, and that's one I could possible help with. I don't know what your pm was offering, but if you wanted to just relocate the whole lot to us I'd gladly keep them til you felt more able to cope. I could send you updates, you could visit, then if you really decided you weren't able to keep them I could take then hens on permanently and you could sell whatever they're in. Just a thought! We're only about 40 minutes from you I reckon, so have a think.

It's a horrible place to be in I know, been there, but it won't last for ever and you will be alright in the end. This place is always here for a cyber-shoulder to cry on.


Mrs Bertie

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so sorry, can't help with the girls but I just wanted to say - been there, done that, you WILL come out the other side of this stronger, happier and more contented although it is hard to believe in that right now. Keep focusing forward, and remember you can always come on here for a chat when you're feeling low.


I think Mrs Bertie's idea sounds fantastic, because you obviously love your chooks and will be wanting to have a house and garden again. Good luck.

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That's a great idea, and that's one I could possible help with. I don't know what your pm was offering, but if you wanted to just relocate the whole lot to us I'd gladly keep them til you felt more able to cope. I could send you updates, you could visit, then if you really decided you weren't able to keep them I could take then hens on permanently and you could sell whatever they're in. Just a thought! We're only about 40 minutes from you I reckon, so have a think.

It's a horrible place to be in I know, been there, but it won't last for ever and you will be alright in the end. This place is always here for a cyber-shoulder to cry on.


Mrs Bertie


Thank you - if I could keep them together and relocate then that would be great. They all get on wonderfully together. I will miss them.

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Sorry to hear about your problems. We are all here to give hugs.


It will get better, you will be better off without him and you may well find yourself becoming a better, stronger person down the line. I know I have, my other advice is that its very similar to grief - everything is hardest for the first year and then you start to feel more distanced from it.

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Thank you everyone for your kind words and offers to look after the girls. Mrs Bertie is going to give them a lovely foster home with a view to probable permanent adoption. And they will not be a million miles from me so I know I can call in and see them from time to time.


I know that eventually I will get through this hard period in my life - but for now it's better for the girls to be in a loving home where I know they will be cared for and happy.


You haven't seen the last of me :) I shall be glad when 2007 is over - it's been pooh.

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