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The perfect all singing/dancing buggie

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Have you thought about just using a sling for the first few months and then buying a pushchair when your DD could buy a cheaper more basic model? A sling is so much more natural. Carry your baby, keep it close they grow up far too quick :(


Failing that spend, spend, spend on buggies because as well as being a sling addict I love pushchairs too :oops:


If your DD would like a car seat to attach the pushchair then she is wise to get the car seat best suited to her car and then base the purchase of the pushair around that. But TBH a baby under 6 weeks shouldn't be in a car seat for more than 30 minutes at a time without a break and once over 6 weeks they need a break after 1 1/2 hours.


For buggies your DD needs to work out if she needs an adjustable handle bar, if she needs a large shopping basket, whether she would like the baby to face her once it can sit up, if she would like truly lie flat or if she would be happy with fairly flat, if she is going to go off road, whether she needs small/lightweight.


I'm sure there's loads more considerations but its bed time so I'm being called.


I use a wrap for my youngest, was a good send for getting him to sleep when he woke at 4 in the morning, I just walked around the living room with him straped up close with my iPod on, or doing the housework. And now he is 7 months I still use it if were just popping to the shop and I really dont want to have to pull the double buggy out. It has a pouch at the front that I can just pop my purse and keys in, and my eldest walks. I wouls never recomend the modern baby carriers thouh, they are soo uncomfortable once they are a couple of months old, they dig in and are heavy and horrible. wraps are the best for me as they cover your whole upper body like a top and so the wieght is evenly distributed and very comfortable, plus bub is very snug packed in there like being back in the womb with their head reasting against your chest.

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They are a god send for colicy babies which Dylan was, it was the only way he would settle. Their is a lot of positive research on baby wearing, for both mother and baby. Wraps have always been used in eastern culture and allowed women to return to working in the fields very quickly after birth and carry on normal activities without any risk of baby falling out or being left on their own. its just something we seemed to stop doing over here.

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Mine was a godsend for Dan - he was a screamer, fought sleep all the time, thought he was missing something :roll: At least with the sling, I could get on with other things and he would get to sleep much better. Never really needed it with Matthew, that child will sleep on a clothesline! :roll::lol:

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