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Guest Poet

poopy shoes advice- crocs?

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I have been going into the run in trainers because they are the only shoes I have that are comfortable (I have 'strange' feet so have to wear VERY comfortable shoes, I have hammer toes and really high arches/insteps so shoes preferably would come over the arch of my foot to stop me going over on my ankle but not 100% necessary for just going into the run) I hate my feet and am embarrassed talking about them but needs must.... :oops:


but the ridges on the soles of my trainers get full of poop! I've heard about crocs but worry that they won't be comfortable enough.


I'm a UK size 8.


any advice would be appreciated as I can't keep poking poop out of my trainers with a stick but I'll have to if I can't find something suitable :(

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Crocs are very roomy. I've got a style caled Caymen but the Beach ones look the same and are apparently wider.


They are very comfy, sort of springy when you walk in them. Much more than I thought they would be. I initially got them just for their 'hose-ability'.



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Crocs are miles more comfy than trainers. Order some and wear them in the house - or find a stockist and try them on there, it doesn't take long to undersand the comfort factor!

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Just leave the poopy shoes outside the door.


it's been raining a lot so i can't do that really as they would get soaked. I think I'd rather have something that didn't collect poo on the sole so would be easier to clean.


I'll have to go shopping I think.

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do normal shoe shops stock crocs so i can try them on first? does anybody know?


I have to be able to try them on first. Because my toes are so bent, they get rubbed so easily and I can never order shoes by mail order as 99% of the time, they hurt and I have to send them back

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Crocs are sooooooo comfy- we went to Chester zoo in the summer & you know how big it is & how much walking is involved. At the end of the day I was the only one with fresh feet- everyone else not wearing crocs had achey legs & feet.


do I! :lol:


I spend most of the day saying stuff like, "I'll just sit here for a bit" or "go on without me!" :lol:


I do love the bat house/cave there though!


think the answer is to find somewhere that stocks them so i can try them on.

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Crocs are really comfy. A few shops do stock them. I know Harveys Dept Store in Halifax do but I can't help you for Cheshire.


The other great advantage is that you can lob them in the washer every week and they come out like new.


Well worth a try. Just a point though, there are loads of fake Crocs about but these are pretty uncomfortable by comparison.


Happy hunting :)

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I suffer from terrible psorasis on my feet and I have broad unattractive "cornish pasty" style feet. Crocs are FABULOUS and comfy. I have 2 pairs and have a pair of mammoths coming for a christmas present.


I always swore Birkenstocks were the best shoes for my feet but crocs are changing my mind. "once you go Croc - you'll never go back" !!! :wink:

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They are very light and flexible, so yes, you can fold them in half. I've seen them for sale in Next, John Lewis and Brantano, if you have any of them near you, and there are also Croc shops - I think they're listed on the Croc website.

The idea is to wear them loose and 'roomy' so you can wear a bigger size and they don't look odd :D

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Our local Co-op stocks them and outdoor shops do too - I think Blacks and Millets do. I have bunions (inherited) so I know what you mean about needing to try them on. I would definitely go to a shop rather than do mail order - I found them uncomfortable although others will assure you that they get comfortable as you wear them.


I have flip flops for dry days and wellies for wet days by the back door but we have a porch thing to keep them dry. 2 lots of dedicated chicken footwear - how decadent.

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:D Crocs are a bit like chickens; I started with a pair and increased to several!

I now have least fave colour permanently by the back door for garden use only, then lots of others to wear the rest of the time. If I decide to swap garden pair, I can just wash in machine!

I have wide feet & very high instep/arches so never enjoy shoe shopping.

Crocs have been wonderful for me. They are handy to slip on & off & are light. For walking I found the acupressure bumps very comfortable.


I have seen them around in shops so might be best to get a size/fit/suitability idea for your first pair. Then you can look online for the whole range! Returns look easy with Jellyegg & Lookatmycrazyshoes.


My feet adore crocs, I do hope they fit you Poet, you'd be so relieved.

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Another 'Crocs are wonderful' thread! :D:D


Seriously, Crocs are soooo comfortable. I haven't worn anything else on my feet for 15 months now. I don't have problem feet either, I was quite happy in shoes. I have Crocs flip-flops, lots of Caymans, two pairs of Primas for when I really need to be a bit smarter and a pair of Aspens (no holes) which I use in the garden.


Jellyegg is brilliant and you can just send them back if you don't like them. Crocs weigh grams, so they don't cost much to return.


Go on, try a pair . . . you know you want to . . . :wink::wink:

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going shopping next week (I hate shopping, crowds of people, finding a parking space, can't walk very far, yakky, yak!) so will see if I can find something to suit, maybe I'll come back with crocs! :lol:

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Poet,do try some Crocs.....so many people here have been dubious but bought some on recommendation & never looked back 8)


I was one of the first to get them,& now between our family of 4 we have around 20 pairs,including all the different styles & so forth. Even The Hubby loves them, & he has very exacting standards,as well as terrible difficult feet to fit (he is a 13 & very wide too ) :roll:


Go on,give them a go.You won't regret it :D

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