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Jingle bells! :-)

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Jingle all the way....



Ok it's tree night in the BB house today. Excited, me, you bet!



I'll be off to get my hair done later and then back for sherry and the battle with the boxes from the loft :wink::lol: Mikey is home early so we'll be decorating the tree and house, with the help of Tinkerbell and daisie no doubt. Daisie will bark at the boxes and run and hide, then come out and get all excited (if you didn't know she's our boxer dog) :D


We love it, it's the start of the festive season :D:D


Anyone else doing this I wonder or are we the first :D





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Have a lovely time Buffie :P

We don't have tree day until 10 days before Christmas,but I need to start mentioning getting the decos down from the loft around now,so it sinks in to his man skull :roll::lol:

But I am putting my new solar outside lights up just as soon as they arrive,'cos I really cannot wait to see if they work.


From tomorrow I will start thinking about the home mades for hampers,& that always gets me into the Christmas spirit :P

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It would have been tomorrow but we're out. I'll post about that in a minute, because it only takes a minute (terrible clue :oops::oops: ) :lol:


We'll finish it all off on sunday :D


Better check the sherry bottle :wink: and decide what we're having for supper and tree decorating nibbles :D


Have fun too Laura


BBx :D

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We don't put our trees up until the last day of term because the house is so small that they just get in the way but I'm finding my advent calendar today which I made for the boys when they were small. It's got lots of little pockets on which I put sweets in for them and even though they're 14 and 17 now, they still ask for their calendar and get excited each morning to see what's in the pockets :lol: . I love Christmas!

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No mince pies for me thanks - Yuk! :wink:


.... but we will be sorting out two outdoor trees tomorrow. We don't usually do our tree until the weekend before Christmas but we are having Lauren and Jake to stay this weekend so we'll start early.


I don't think I'll do an indoor tree this year - I can't cope with Jazz :roll: - it's bad enough when she runs off with my Crocs and we can't catch her around the central fireplace :?:lol: Last year, she was still tiny and we put a baby playpen around the tree to keep her off. We will be able to see the one on the steps outside the conservatory quite easily from the lounge.

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Imagine our house Lesley, with 2 young cats. You wake up every morning to find something missing, under a chair or carried to the bedroom. tinkerbell even carries off packets of sausages :shock: She's a right little monkey :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


oh we don't hang sausages on the tree by the way, just mentioned that in passing :lol:


BBx :wink:

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Real tree for us too


Advent calendar (Play Mobil one) needs building tonight and I'll probably put up some of the house decorations this weekend and get the tree next weekend.


Dan is now building up his collection of outside decorations :roll: He bought a reindeer last year and we have a robin and a huge rope light this year as well

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