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Holidays are coming

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I love that advert, & I like the Holidays song,......its just a bit different.


did you know that the red Santa outfit was a marketing gimmick made up by Cola, which just sort of caught on.

Santas traditional outfit was green I think, but they thought red looked better,& a legend was born 8)

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It is,isn't it?

I might just be an urban myth of course,but someone will be impressed :wink::lol:


I don't think it's an urban myth, I think you are right Sarah. Victorian Father Christmases always wore a lovely dark green, which might be a pagan link too, as the pagan Lord of Holly presided over Yule on the 21st of December, and he was dressed in green. The pagan Goddess would be the one in red.

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I love that advert, & I like the Holidays song,......its just a bit different.


did you know that the red Santa outfit was a marketing gimmick made up by Cola, which just sort of caught on.

Santas traditional outfit was green I think, but they thought red looked better,& a legend was born 8)


That is right Cinnamon...the traditional British Father Christmas wore green....and it was more like a hooded dressing gown. The tunic, fur trimmed and Black Boots all stem from the early Coca Cola Adverts.


A school somewhere in the UK decided to revert to the traditional British Green Father Christmas (Not Santa) and were slated for political correctness. :? I have to say I would have supported their stance.


Yet in other aspects of British life...such as Pounds and Ounces and Pounds Sterling, people leap to defend our history and tradition. :? Odd innit.

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I'm sorry its not christmas when you see the Coke add. Its Christmas when you see


Its a wonderful life

Miracle on 34th street

Santa Claus the movie

The santa clause



And for the optimum comedy moment


National Lampoons Christmas Vacation!


And yes I can watch them all over and over again!

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I've only got the Bank Holidays............and have worked a great many Christmases and New Years in my life. I finally decided to leave hospital and give up my midwifery career the Christmas that I had to work an early shift, hubby had o work a late shift and our children aged 2 & 4 had to spend Christmas with their grandparents, thanks to inflexible shift rostering :x That was just the straw that broke the camel's back though.


Pre children I actually enjoyed working Christmases in hospital, the atmosphere was usually lovely, a real sense of we're all in this together so let's make the most of it :D:D:D

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Well I've finally got myself into the mood, not to put any decs up but simply get them down from the attic :lol: only because I was sorting out the en-suite extractor fan pipe :lol:


I've found the advent calenders and have filled them with some of the lovely belgian chocs we bought when away and will dig out The Muppet's Christmas Carol when I get round to putting up the tree in ..............about two weeks :oops:


Starting to feel festive as we've really started shopping (I'm doing some more in Dublin tomorrow too :wink: ) but as so much is going on at home at the mo I have so much stuff to sort out before putting up the tree, like washing the carpets downstairs :(


I will be in the festive mood soon tho :D




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It turned Christmassy everywhere over night between Friday and Saturday. All the music channels on Sky are playing Christmas songs and all the adverts are on and I'm atarting to panic. As usual my resolve to get organised in November as come to nothing :oops:


I need to wash my carpets too and touch up the painting the kitchen and finish my selling spree on ebay and................................................ :shock:

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I feel like that too Chickencam! No panicking through November, I'm doing very nicely plodding along, then suddenly it's December and I realise there's only 3 WEEKS left and I'm panicking!!


I'm still arranging music for Christmas Eve. Must get it done as we practise on Wednesday! Can't think about presents or cards till after that.

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