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The Good Life !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Do you know it's taken me nearly an hour to read this thread from start to finish (joe's not happy as I still haven't cooked dinner! :shock: )


I would just like to echo everyone here Lesley and Carl and say congratulations!!


Not only are we insanely jealous we are extremely proud of you.


We did have one idea though - how about getting a small part of your 8 acre ranch set aside as a Caravan Club Certified Location?


You can earn a few quid a night that way from having a few caravans around AND we can bring ours!! (I'm sure you wouldn't mind us bringing the Eglu and Girls either! :lol::lol::lol: !)





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We did have one idea though - how about getting a small part of your 8 acre ranch set aside as a Caravan Club Certified Location?


You can earn a few quid a night that way from having a few caravans around AND we can bring ours!! (I'm sure you wouldn't mind us bringing the Eglu and Girls either! :lol::lol::lol: !)





Do you know - one of the plus points of moving here was to have no neighbours - we have seen more people here in 2 weeks than we would normally see in 6 months :shock::roll:


With an agricultural tie, we are very restricted in what we can do with the land :wink:

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The pig ark will arrive today and the piggie paddock is nearly finished. Two lads arrived at 7am yesterday and worked until lunchtime. They are coming back this morning to finish it.


Carl and I started to shift the 10 tons of topsoil yesterday - it looks as if a child has dug a small hole in it and the 10 wheelbarrows of soil we moved before the heavens opened and we had a massive thunderstorm, just filled in little corner of the new veggie plot :roll: Guess what we're going to be doing today? :? I could hardly crawl out of bed this morning :?


...... and when we've finished it and planted all our veggies, I suppose the farm cats will just decide it is a giant cat litter tray :evil::roll:


I will post photos of the pigs later today - if I can still move by then :?

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We did have one idea though - how about getting a small part of your 8 acre ranch set aside as a Caravan Club Certified Location?



We considered that too... but then thought about all those children running around, chasing our livestock, feeding them inappropriate stuff..

no! Too much like hard work and hassle....don't go there Lesley!

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You mean ask the two young men to come back for another day? - I'll get talked about :wink::roll:


I nearly phoned to see what you were doing today Clare :wink:


We've shifted over half of the soil. The fencing isn't finished as no-one arrived today.


The pig arc however did arrive and is installed in the paddock. We can't move the pigs until the fencing is finished. We will probably wait until the chicken runs are done as well as we will need to move the electric fence to the pigs paddock.


We were late feeding the pigs tonight and they had upturned their trough in disgust! Because the straw bales are so high, the only way I can feed them is to throw some food over the top - hopefully into the trough - then I can move the top, small bale and put the rest of the food in. I just had to throw some food in the general area of the trough and Carl had to climb in to put it all right. He is careful now not to put his hands in the trough while they are eating - one of them accidentally bit him last week :roll:


One little kitten/cat is looking a bit round and is probably already pregnant :roll: I phoned the Cats Protection people on Friday and they were no help at all. Apparently, they will only help if you claim benefits. They are not interested if you want to have the cats caught and neutered and pay for it :evil: They told me to make an appt. for them with a local vet - how can you make an appt. for feral cats? They're hardly going to oblige and go into a trap just because I want to take them to the vet the next day are they? The cats trust me now and I don't want to be the one to trap them - I may need to take them to the vet for other reasons in the future and will still need their trust. There is a mobile 'feral cat neutering service' in the North of England but I haven't found one locally.

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Do you want me to come over and catch them Lesley I have a fishing net that I use for naughty chickens :wink: ? My cat vet (Hawthorne Lodge in Banbury 01295 259446) will neuter/spay feral cats if you pay; you can make an appointment to have them done, and cancel it of you're unable to catch the little blighters. The cats need to be in the surgery the night before the op. I know this because we had a feral tom which hangs out round here done and the vets were very understanding when we had trouble catching him. They might even be able to come up with someone to help catch the cats if you ask.


Sorry, but I was busy all this weekend - Phil is away (running feral in Newcastle with his mate) and Rosie was with her Dad, so I have been getting on with loads of stuff. Would love to help out when I am around, but the next few weekends are booked up :roll:

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Very useful Linda :lol:


If it is anything simple I just get a quick once over from my friend first (for the animal :roll: )Then I am less likely to be fed a story when I go to the local bloke :lol:


You should see what I did to the vet that told me my cat needed antibiotics for ringworm :evil::roll::lol:

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We have two Ltd. Companies. My main income will be from the agricultural side of things :wink:


Our solicitor insisted on informing the local Council even though we had already contacted them. They were quite happy as long as there is agricultural activity. It does restrict what we can and can't do - we can't have horses for livery (oh! what a shame :wink: ) or camping or caravans or build any housing. Chickens, pigs and bees are acceptable.


I'd better go and box up some more eggs for Carl to take with him to the next client :wink:

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Oh it all sounds reallly exciting, :D I've sent you some emails Lesley but they came to me not you :?:roll::oops: I have a way with technology. Anyway been v busy but it sounds as if it's all going really wee. We have an ex feral cat and given time you can get closer to them and gain trust try feeding in, near the house.


Will read all the pages at some point :wink:



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