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The Good Life !!!!!!!!!!!!

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It's all been happening here today! The carpenter turned up unexpectedly with photos of a new kitchen he is taking out - thought I might be interested. I found another job for him while he was here :wink: We now have coat hooks in the utility - it saves draping them over muddy wellies :roll:


The cat had kittens..........


.......... and Matthew came and finished the piggie paddock and moved the piggies. You've never heard a racket like it - I'm surprised most of you didn't hear it :roll: He's also seen to the three remaining 'Dinners'


I thought I was going to clean all the floors today :roll:


Matthew moving Malone - the noise was deafening!



New Home



Three Little Pigs



They've all found the electric fence -ouch! Hopefully, they will have learnt about it properly by this evening as we had to borrow the energiser from the chickens area - they are unprotected at the moment.

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Great photos Lesley - that poor piggys face! :lol:


I am very jealous of your new home & lifestyl.

Brian has found an old watermill in Devon that he keeps pestering me to go & view with him.

It would be great,but I want the girls to finish off their schooling up here first (while we busily pay off the mortgage!)


One day,maybe 8)

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Lesley, it's so nice to catch up on your progress. (A welcome distraction from my own life)


You can actually hear the pig shouting if you look long enough at the photograph! They look so contented in their new grassy home.


Has Mummy Cat took to the kitten she rejected yesterday yet?


What with you and Trish having stuff done, it's making me have itchy feet. We want to extend but have put it off with baby coming - now it's started me off again :roll: I must stop buying housey magazines.


:idea: Maybe another chook will keep me going for the time being..... :idea:

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I think you'll soon have enough to keep you occupied Gina :wink:


The cat only started this morning Gina - so she may have rejected one or eaten it or just be lying on it at the moment :?


I've gone from 'not being a cat person' to being a kitten's Grandma (unplanned) in a very short space of time :?:roll:

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I've just seen a very mangy fox strolling up the drive - it heard me when I shouted Carl and shot off somewhere :? . Thank goodness we took the energiser from the pigs paddock and put it back on the chickens electric fence - they are only fenced in by Omlet netting at the moment.


Tomorrow, we are going on a 'Keeping Rare Breed Pigs' course. There was a cancellation and we said yes because the only dates left were towards winter and I wanted to avoid cold, wet weather - hmmmmmm - good job it's sunny and warm May then :evil::? I'm also in trouble because I'd said we'd look after Lauren and Jake for the day and overnight as Daughter and SIL are off to the first Summer Good Food Show at the NEC - I didn't write it on the planner and I forgot :oops: My son and his girlfriend will look after tham in the day but we will have to leave early to come back for the evening. Whoopee - three hours on the M6 tomorrow :roll:

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We had a wonderful day despite the really vile weather. Cold, wet and muddy :roll:


The course was really good. We looked at the itinerary last night and realised the course finished at 6.30 - I thought it was 4.30 - and I'd said we would be back by 6pm to have Lauren and Jake :? We had to leave at 4.30 but we still crammed lots in. Some parts were inside and others out with the pigs - we were absolutely soaked by 4.30 :? The pig area was calf deep in mud so I had to walk very carefully - my knee is still vulnerable and unstable and I can't afford to damage it again now we have so much walking around the farm to do. I spent some of the time standing on a slightly raised area which still had grass - on my own :( - Carl had to go and listen to what was being said. and report back :D


Carl was also the lucky person 'volunteered' to take the temperature of a very large Large Black sow :shock:


This is where we went www.pigparadise.com

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Oh lucky you Lesley! I was going to go on one of their courses a while back but when it came to it I just couldn't make it. I was so upset but circumstances were beyond my control. :(:( I did speak to Tony York a few times on the phone though. :? I bet it was a great place to be. What was lunch like?

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