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February 3rd!

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:P Exactly one year ago today, my first green Eglu arrived with Penny & Chuckles! I was so nervous, & hadn't read anything about chickenkeeping beyond the Omlet website before they arrived!

What a wonderful year it's been!

Also, today's date...R.I.P. Buddy Holly. When I was 16 I went on a barge holiday up the Thames with about 7 others teenagers, mixed company, no adults. (Parents thought it was something organised by Scouts, but it wasn't :shock: I didn't lie, just told half the story :oops: ) Enormous fun, first holiday without parents, but we only had one tape to listen to all week. Buddy Holly's greatest hits. Brilliant songs. If I'd known, I could have named 1st chooks Buddy & Holly!

Anyway, one year...can't imagine the time before hens now! :D

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8) Thanks, Mel & Louise! I can't believe how much my life has changed in just one year.

OH can't believe how his idea of "what would you think of having a couple of chickens in the garden?" has expanded into 2 Eglus, 6 hens, Fort Knox for chickens, and a chicken obsessed wife! :lol::P

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