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Laura & CTB

Aaaah - thats better!!

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Only two more days at work before I take time off until January - and today my boss has bought in a bottle of his home made sloe gin -strict no alcohol policy on site but what the heck - I'm hiding it under my desk!!


It's VERY nice - question is where do you get sloes from if you dont live next to a sloe bush? Never seen them in Sainsbury's :roll:


Anyway - definately feeling much more Christmassy now :lol::lol:

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When you've found some, let me know! The only time I went sloe picking (years ago) we picked about 5 lbs, washed and pricked them all and out them in the freezer. I was told to taste one, and took some in to school to show my Biology teacher who threw his hands up in horror at the Laurel berry I had shown him. Apparantly these berries are poisonous. :oops:


I think my mum was trying to get rid of me :shock:

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When you've found some, let me know! The only time I went sloe picking (years ago) we picked about 5 lbs, washed and pricked them all and out them in the freezer. I was told to taste one, and took some in to school to show my Biology teacher who threw his hands up in horror at the Laurel berry I had shown him. Apparantly these berries are poisonous. :oops:


I think my mum was trying to get rid of me :shock:


yes, they contain cianide (sp?) we had to chop our laurel down to make way for the girls' run.


I take it you didn't eat one then? :D

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If you look for a sloe bush, you'll be struggling! Try looking for a blackthorn bush. They have beautiful white flowers which come out before the leaves in early spring ... and evil big thorns!


I reckon you'd need more than one bush in your garden to produce a lot of sloe gin, worth a try though.

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