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Harry Potter

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As my dh would say 'it's a children's book!!!!'


but I can sympathise. I really enjoyed the whole HP series and the last book was fab, especially the way she worked out the Snape conundrum.


Personally, I don't think she'll ever write anything decent again. It will always be held up against HP and found wanting.


Have you read the His Dark Materials trilogy?, they are brilliant.



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I enjoyed the HP books, and I was a bit sad after I'd read the final one, but bizarrely I don't want her to write any more. They made a complete story, and she tied up lots of the ends with the final one, I think it'd spoil it somehow if she was to start again. A bit like the Star Wars movies IMO, the 1st 3 were fine, not really my cup of tea admittedly, but a good tale, which ended. The later prequels kind of spoilt it for me, smacked too much of flogging a dead horse and attempting to make more money off the back of a successful concept.

Time for her to come up with some new characters and stories, I'm quite sure she's capable of it :D

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I wouldn't be surprsied if she doesn't write another - maybe a prequel to when voldemort was in power the first time......she'll want the money sooner or later :wink:


When I'm next in Starbucks I'll mention it to her :) . She often comes in with her notebook (as does Ian Rankin). Needless to say, they don't notice little old me :oops: .


Have you read the His Dark Materials trilogy?, they are brilliant.


Yup, read them all, bought them for ES for Christmas and saw The Golden Compass on Wednesday. Thought it was really good (all the animals were really realistic - except the obviously real ones, which were, well, real :wink: ). Ended a bit abruptly but we're looking forward to the next one already.

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Have you read Mervyn Peake - terrific fantasy and a really brilliant trilogy (Ghormenghast)? If you like off the wall stuff, Flann O'Brien is superb - the Third Policeman should be compulsary reading for everyone.


I don't rate the Harry Potter books and I don't understand why people bother with them at all when there is so much really superb fantasy writing around. Even Terry Pratchett makes the Harry Potter books look like Janet and John primers.

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Hubby has never read one. I do try to encourage him....he really doesn't know what he's missing.


I didn't read any- until way after the 4th book had been published- a friend lent them to me & I was hooked. I was really disappointed after reading all 4 straight through back to back to find that I had to wait like everyone else for the next 3 books.... :lol:

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Am I the only person in the world to have not read a Harry Potter book?




No you are not alone - I have never read one of the books.


But I've seen more than enough in bits and excerpts in the paper and clips on the telly. :wink:



me either but I keep getting told that I should by DH!!! :roll:


can't abide the films, was forced to go and see the latest one!

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Poet you must read them- JKR is such a great writer (& even has some poems in the books too- the song by the sorting hat is great, as well as the school's motto song!)

I really like her use of humour- I have been in stitches sometimes as I'm reading them, and even though I've read & re-read the books umpteem times they still make me laugh.


Has anyone on here read "I Capture the Castle" by Dodie Smith? I have loved it since my teens.

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I don't normally read 'fantasy' type stuff but I was persuaded to read Jasper whats-his-name's (his surname escapes me) 'The Eyre Affair' which was actually quite amusing. I lent it to someone who subsequently read all of his other books and raves about them.


I'm more into biogs/autobiogs.


Reading 'My Booky Wook' right now and it's brilliant :D



***edit** Jasper Fforde I think his name is???

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Has anyone on here read "I Capture the Castle" by Dodie Smith? I have loved it since my teens.


no but I sometimes swap messages with one of the McGann brothers on myspace, he has some connection with the film but not sure what!?


Keep meaning to watch the film.....



I hope this turns into a book thread, I LOVE books :D

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The film of ICTC is ok, the love interest bit of it got a bit too updated for my liking (in the book they have separate rooms :roll: ) but on the whole I really enjoyed it.

I watched it at the cinema when I was pregnant with Ethan, & I have it on DVD which I got the following summer for my birthday.

Want to borrow it? You can, on one condition, that you read the book first- I can send you my battered copy :lol:

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Blimey we all seem to be quite like-minded here dont we? I liked HP for my kids but for myself found it sometimes a bit thin and *durr* juvenile.


Jasper Fforde IMHO is brilliant and if you like and know literature allows you to feel a bit clever while you are reading it . Very funny too and a strong heroine at the centre. Pratchett is a legend in our house, and Gormenghast was the first book that made me go 'WOW! at the writing (I was 15) and probably set me on my way to studying English Lit.

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i've read and heard bits of Terry Pratchett and he always seems eminantly readable and very witty but I've just never got round to reading him properly.


I'm so nosey about people and their lives that I awlays get drawn to biographies.

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Poet it's a lovely love story - but not sloppy- that's well written which has a surprising twist at the end. It also has chickens in it...... do you need any more persuasion than that?!

It's also one of JKR's favourite books.


I'll see if i can get a library copy then, if you send me yours you'll probably never see it again ;)

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