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Tessa the Duchess

Sainsburys are rattled

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Amongst the post today was a 'letter' from Sainsburys written to me because I have one of their 'reward' cards. With the letter were two coloured pics one of a roast chicken and the other of a bowl of eggs. I can't be bothered to reproduce the whole letter but basically it was about Hugh and Jamie's telly programmes and how Sainsburys wanted to reassure me that they take their responsibilities for animal welfare very seriously :shock: On the back of the egg and chicken pics are lists of what eggs and chickens they sell and how they are kept...."Our corn fed chickens are reared indoors to the high standards set out by the RSPCA..........they even have footballs to play with" :roll::roll:


I will write back to them and tell them that I think they should stop selling caged bird eggs and broiler chickens, if Waitrose and M&S can do it, so should they.



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I've just been into Sainsbury's (it's our cornershop) and they have massive banners everywhere about how they pride themselves on their British reared chickens and that because they care it sets them aside from other supermarkets. I did utter bull when I walked past a group of manager types, it just slipped out!

I can't believe they have the nerve to take the moral high ground when they can't even be bothered to comment on camera about their chicken ethics :roll:

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But people will believe it. They will see "corn fed, RSPCA standards, British chicken" and think they are happy free range hens. People need to be made to realise - unless it says free range, it's not free range, it's in a barn with thousands of other hens, it's not a natural product. Defies belief how they were made to give up GM tomatoes a few years ago as people were worried that it "wasn't natural" but eating a chicken that's barely more than a chick at 39 days, that's too heavy for it's own legs so it can't move and has never even seen the outside world well that's OK cos they're cheap. :evil:


Mrs Bertie

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  Mrs Bertie said:
Defies belief how they were made to give up GM tomatoes a few years ago as people were worried that it "wasn't natural" but eating a chicken that's barely more than a chick at 39 days, that's too heavy for it's own legs so it can't move and has never even seen the outside world well that's OK cos they're cheap. :evil:


Mrs Bertie


what a good point!

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  Tessa the Duchess said:
Amongst the post today was a 'letter' from Sainsburys written to me because I have one of their 'reward' cards. With the letter were two coloured pics one of a roast chicken and the other of a bowl of eggs.


Crikey,thats fast work - producing & mailing that in 2-3 days :shock:

Lets hope they work so quickly on their ethics :wink:

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Well said Mrs B!!!


The general public do tend to believe supermarkets because of the 'how could they possibly lie to us'? mentality! :evil::evil::evil:


The salmonella scare, CJD in beef, GM tomatoes, mercury poisoned farmed salmon and now the truth behind broiler chicken. It all comes out in the end.......!

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  WitchHazel said:
  Cinnamon said:
Crikey,thats fast work - producing & mailing that in 2-3 days :shock:

Lets hope they work so quickly on their ethics :wink:


They've had a lot longer than that. Hugh's campaign started last summer, and the experiment was in the Autumn.


That's right......we've known it was coming for quite a while and Sainsbury's et al will have been alerted when Hugh made his first few phonecalls.


Their media bods will have been in overdrive for weeks.

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