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Guest lonely Lottie

New home wanted for lovely lonely Lottie.

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Lottie arrived this afternoon, and she's gorgeous :D She seemed to enjoy pecking at the remaining little bit of grass on the lawn (OK, mudbath cunningly disguised as the lawn :roll: ). The other chickens were very curious, but only Ella tried it on really, although I thought Brie looked a bit threatening too. I'm separating them for now, Lottie in the green eglu, with Zola posted in late for company (Zola being my most placid hen- I do hope I've got that right), but Zola will be whisked out early tomorrow morning so there's no opportunity for fights in confined spaces. Lottie actually didn't seem at all fazed, Phil did circle her in what looked like a threatening manner, Lottie didn't turn a feather, and of course Phil is too much of a diva to risk ruffling her feathers with any hen-pecking exertions :roll:

I think she'll settle down well, but I want to take it slowly to reduce any trauma.

No photos yet Clare, but I'll sort some out as soon as I can- probably weekend though :wink:

Tracy and her lovely daughters brought Lottie round today, and they're planning on visiting her again in a week or two, by which time I hope she'll be a fully integrated member of the flock.

They've not given up on chicken keeping, but are hoping to build a larger, secure run later in the year as they want to be able to allow chickens as much freedom as possible, but with their predatory fox that's not possible right now.

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Thought I'd do a quick update on Lottie. She's adorable, settling in well, and laying most days now, after a couple of days off when she first arrived. We still get a few silly skirmishes, largely initiated by Phil. Fortunately Phil is both stupid and a wuss, and she seems to have difficulty telling the difference between Lottie and Zola, so she attempts to attack both at random, but spends so long plucking up her courage to go for them that they get ample opportunity to get in a swift peck first or run away :roll:

Lottie's also embarked on a one chicken mission to clear out my greenhouse, having found a broken pane affording her access to the greenhouse in the early days when she was trying to hide from the others, and has realised that there's lots of lovely dry earth in there to scratch and dustbathe in, and fertilize at the same time :lol:

We've only had her a week today, but it's beginning to feel like she's been with us for ages. She just needs to build up a bit more confidence in holding her own against the others now though, but I guess it's still early days :?

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I have a lottie too :D KateA you need to pop her name with your other girls now! :D




I know, I've been hesitating, but I must update my signature, but we've had a really horrible experience recently that I've hesitating about posting- too dreadfully sad and I didn't feel up to posting :( . Lottie is absolutely fabulous and already we love her to bits, she's settled in well and I'm so happy to have her.

But on Friday last week we had to get an emergency vets appointment for Onion, my oldest and favouritest chicken- took a lot of persuasion I can tell you. I took Onion.... and only I came home :cry::cry::cry:

She'd been laying soft eggs for a while, but was fine, then on Thursday afternoon (late) she developed diarrhoea, by Friday am her vent feathers were horrible, by Friday pm vet said there was nothing he could do. I'm still so upset about whether we made the right decision, but she seemed so listless and miserable and it was Friday and I'd fought to get an appointment, and I was so anxious about her ability to survive over the weekend and I had to work on Monday, and the list goes on. I was scared she was sufferring, scared that she'd suffer over the weekend and I'd be stuck to get vet advice, scared :oops::oops: that she'd interfere with my work on monday (oh, I can't believe that was a factor, but I was so upset :cry: ) I ended up taking vets advice.

Lottie was separated from Onion, so there was never any risk of her catching whatever Onion had, and I'm watching my flock like a hawk. They all seem well *fingers crossed*. But I'm not entirely ready to erase Onion from my signature, which maybe isn't fair on Lottie- but she can't read, so I'll change soon :wink:

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A more light-hearted update on Lottie. Imy was doing her history homework this evening, and Lottie was in the house at the same time :roll::roll: (she comes in here until the others have settled then we post her, that we get a nice cuddle too :wink:). Anyway she was quietly ignoring everything until Imy started asking about King Charles 1st, Lottie went beserk, squawking, flapping and clucking. The family have now decided that she's a reincarnation of said King Charles 1st, and have taken to carrying her around on a cushion, curtseying and addressing her as King Charles the first , or Sir :shock: . Lottie loves the attention...... but no-one is going to behead her, and we're not calling any new chickens Cromwell :shock:

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oh Kate I am SO sorry. What a really horrible difficult thing you had to post. It isnt at all surprising that you are so upset. I think anyone in your position would be exactly the same.

Lots and lots of love and big cyber hugs are on their way to you - and you do what you want when you feel it is right.


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KateA you know I've had losses over the last 12 months and you were as caring as I was. Sometimes the hardest thing is saying goodbye and letting go and you cared enough to do it. Onion can stay in your signature as katie has in mine. They aren't replaced just another is added to benefit from the love you have. Lottie came to help you feel better and share the love you have to give.


So very sorry and we will never judge you.


Really happy your lottie is as happy as mine.



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Thanks for the lovely messages all :D

Lottie (aka King Charles 1 !) is a great consolation, but Onion was amazing.

Was King Charles's wife a Charlotte, or was she Henrietta, I can't remember, must do a Google?

Thanks Bufie, I just know that my lovely Onion couldn't find a better companion than Katie :D

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