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Cube Bedding: in the nest box? in the egg port?

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Hi, a basic question which I'm sure you've all been asked hundreds of times before.


In yuor Cube, how uch (if any) bedding do you put in the nesting box, and in the egg port/ FOr those of you on aubiose/hemcore, do you use that as bedding, or should I use shredded paper instead?


I'm assuing I should line the poop trays with newspaper, should I put any aubiose/hemcore on top? And if so, how much?


Thanks in anticipation.

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I use hemcore in the nestbox. I've tried straw and sredded paper but my girls just throw that everywhere so I've stuck with the hemcore option.

I also use it in the poo trays but that's just so I can compost it quicker. I find newspaper takes a while to break down in my composter.

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I put gaffa tape over the long slit in base of the nest box so that the Aubiose doesn't fall through. I use about a bucket full in there for the girls to nest (and sleep :evil: ) on.

I also use Aubiose in the poop trays so that emptying them out is dead easy and I don't have to wash them down every time. (lazy, you see :wink: ). In total I use about two buckets full a week.

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Sorry for the confusion, and thank you for the clarification. I've had the Cube made up in the garden since November, and havent looked inside since. In mymind there were too distinct compartments, and I had forgotten that the poo trays were under one bit anyway.


Right, so I need some in the poo trays, and then some in the area where they lay the eggs, and I need to cover the slit with something to stop the hemp disappearing down the hole.


And a bucketful of hemp (aubiose or hemcore) in the bit where they lay eggs is what others would also recommend?


Thanks for the help everyone

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I'm trying my poo trays empty. I'm not getting enough shredded paper and I don't really like using the Aubiose as its not recycled! As I start my veggie beds now I also figured I could empty the poo straght into them as I build them and just give the trays a wipe down.

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