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Sex & The City

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I treated myself to the box set of this show with my Christmas pressie money :D

Forgotten how brill it was & what a smart,funny show it was.

I had forgotten how much I love the whole New York vibe.

I had also forgotten how much I fancy Aiden :wink:


Strangely,no I am older I can totally see what Carrie sees in Big - couldn't get mh head around that at all when it was first shown.........


I love how it is just so funny,but also has a bit of a message every episode.

I think Stanford is my favourite character - hope he is in the movie this summer 8)

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I LOVE Sex & The City! Aiden is rather drool-worthy, but I really fancied Smith. I sky+'d the last two episodes when they first aired, and they are still on the box, watched so often it's silly. Must treat myself to the box set one day!

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I love Sex and the City. One of my all time favourite shows. I like the 'message' at the end of each episode too :D


Love Carrie's apartment, all the characters and the writing. Its a very good feel good programme. Always cheers me up.






Oh and Aiden and Mr Big........... :wink:

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chelsea remember all those PMs we had over SATC


I am in love with Mr Big. I love his romantic ways.... I love the way he talks, his wit, the way he winks, the way he dresses . Everything.


Im still waiting for a Mr Big in my life. Hes just so gorgeous and romantic. I dont think men like that exsist though, inless your in a city. Which im not.


Oh how i miss living in South Kensington or 57th St NY.




I said once Seth is at Uni or moved out , im going to go back to NYC for 6 months to live.


and if my Business were to take off hugely, id buy summer houe in the Hamptons. [chelsea you can come stay :) ]

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I liked it, especially as it and they matured towards the end and there were some quite touching storylines. I liked the whole Paris ending and the big floaty skirt she had. 8)

SJP does make me laugh, she is supposed to be really fashionable and yet generally wears the most hideous clothes (tutu....)! :wink: Some I love though and I like the girliness with shoes, clothes etc. :oops:

She has an attractiveness but is not beautiful. OH says she has a face like a horse. Just because she is Carrie I can't have a go at her. :roll: She was quite neurotic and silly which made me laugh-I'm not sure that was intentional though :roll:

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I completely fail to see how Sarah Jessica whatsherface can be seen to be a beauty.

Scraggy, bow legged, witch like with a huge wart on a chin. :?


I'm with you Egluntine. I think she looks awful, and I hate most of the

clothes she wears in the show. I haven't seen many of the episodes, but

the whole show isn't really my cup of tea, too girlie for me :roll:



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oh my gosh SJP is a beautiful woman. The outfit at the end of 'I Heart NY' is absolutely gorgeous.



is that the one where miranda has her baby? and she's wearing that coat and those pink shoes?


I'd love to be as stylish as her.....she throws anything together and it looks fabulous. :)

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I love the shoes ! All ruffly.


And the coat, i think it was Emanuel Ungaro Coat, because my Ungaro bath towels are JUST like it.


I am so going to have to watch the 6th series when shes in Paris. Ive still managed to save it, its like a SATC virginity. :)


I just love SATC , i wish they have made more episodes and not a damn film.


I love the new pics in the Press of her getting hitched dont you? That teal coloured feather in her Veil!


Why cant i be as stylish as her?


Oh yes because i dont have $400,000 of shoes like Carrie.

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