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Help change my Dads mind!

Will my Dad enjoy having chickens and fresh eggs?  

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  1. 1. Will my Dad enjoy having chickens and fresh eggs?

    • No he won't
    • Yes he will
    • I shouldn't care

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I want chickens!

We have a BIG garden, and my neighbours will share in the cost and work of the iglu and chickens - but my dad objects :?


Help me please!


He says they're too noisy for the neighbours?

He says they're a lot of work?

He says we can't leave them at weekends?

He says they get sick easily?

He says that I'll cry when they die (OK - I agree!)

He says we need 6 for 2 families to share?


Is he right?

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I want chickens!

We have a BIG garden, and my neighbours will share in the cost and work of the iglu and chickens - but my dad objects :?


Help me please!


He says they're too noisy for the neighbours?

Not if you have a big garden and don't keep a rooster.


He says they're a lot of work?


They are not. 10 mins a day and maybe an hour at the w/e at the most.


He says we can't leave them at weekends?


You can.


He says they get sick easily?


Not easily. It would be unrealistic to say that they never get ill, but with care there shouldn't be too many problems.


He says that I'll cry when they die (OK - I agree!)

He is right, you will.


He says we need 6 for 2 families to share?


Depends on how many eggs you both need.


Keep chipping away at him. Good luck.


Welcome to the forum by the way! :lol:

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He says they're too noisy for the neighbours?

He says they're a lot of work?

He says we can't leave them at weekends?

He says they get sick easily?

He says that I'll cry when they die (OK - I agree!)

He says we need 6 for 2 families to share?


Is he right?


They are not noisy in a bad way, they make clucking noises and the odd yark when they lay an egg. They are definitely not a lot of work, a clean out once a week is pretty much all you need do. You need to let them out in the a.m.

and close them up at bedtime, they put themselves to bed. You can certainly leave them for a weekend, get a neighbour to collect the eggs and just check they have sufficient food and water. Chickens are mainly tough as old boots, as long as you make sure they eat the right things and that their house is kept clean just as you would with a dog or cat. You will defintely cry when they die, but that is just being human. If you want to get 6 you should probably buy a cube not an eglu.


If your dad loves his garden, you will need to fence off a bit specially for the chickens so they don't trash your dad's garden. It is right that your dad is reluctant, but I bet he falls in love with them and tell him to think about all the lovely fresh eggs he will get, plus all round entertainment watching their antics. Good luck, hope you win him round.




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He says they're too noisy for the neighbours?

No there not.


He says they're a lot of work?

Not with an Eglu


He says we can't leave them at weekends?

can if you have a super glug and grub


He says they get sick easily?

No - not really


He says that I'll cry when they die (OK - I agree!)

Definately but they are worth it


He says we need 6 for 2 families to share?

1 chicken lays over 300 a year so...

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I know we all sound biased as we are chicken owners but tell your dad

1. they are not noisy at all except for lovely quiet clucks as the pootle round the garden..we have neighbours both sides and "Ooops, word censored!"oy has ever heard them

2. they take so little cleaning - my kids have had guinea pigs and wehave a dog and both have taken more maintenance than the chooks because of the eglu design which makes it the most user-friendly animal house ever

3. you will most certainly cry when they die, but then so might he!!

4. they are by far the funniest pets we have ever had and he will laugh at their antics and get to know their personalities very quickly

5. the eggs are fantastic - so different from shop-bought eggs adn such fun to discover.


Down sides?? Well...one of our chickens died overnight when we had had her about 3 weeks - apparently this can happen...but I have no experience of any illness since then...you do need someone to check on them if youa re away but if it's only for a weekend it is a 2 minute job and the kind folk get free eggs in return!


Sharing chickens is a great idea - the number depends on how many egges everyone wants!


My partner was very dubious about getting chickens as we have 4 kids, a dog and 2 full-time jobs but despite the fact that he thinks I love them more than him( he could be right!) he is amused by them and loves the eggs... good luck :D

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He says they're too noisy for the neighbours?


Thought the neighbours wanted to be involved so why would they complain


He says they're a lot of work?


Kids are hard work, he still had you :wink:


He says we can't leave them at weekends?


If you go away the neighbours can care for them and I think you may find some hen sitters on this forum


He says they get sick easily?


Where did he get that bit of information from?


He says that I'll cry when they die (OK - I agree!)


All pets die eventually, and we cry, is he saying you are not allowed a pet of any kind, even a hamster or goldfish in case you end up crying?


He says we need 6 for 2 families to share?



How many eggs does he want? Lots of people on here have enough eggs to share with family and friends



At least your not asking for a dog or a horse

Maybe you should then he will be only too happy to let you have chickens :wink:

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I first came across chickens when I drove to Omlet to help my friend collect his Eglu. HAd never considered it before that but was hooked in 5 minutes.


Got home at 5pm, showed the wife the website and ordered the Eglu and starter set next day. Picked them up two weeks later, wife dubious but also hooked in 5 minutes.


The neighbours love them for two reasons 1. the eggs 2. something different to look at.


My wife bought me two more hens for my birthday and I've now built a bigger run for them.


Also - as a teacher, I 've talked the Head and Governors into getting 10 hens for school.


Get DAD near a chicken and he'll soon get EGGSITED

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He says we need 6 for 2 families to share?


Everyone has covered the questions well, so let's just do the maths. An egg-laying hybrid (like the Omlet ones) lays about 6 eggs a week. Six chickens between two families = 3 boxes of eggs each a week. If that's how many you are already buying, then yes, you'll need 6 - and a cube.


How about 3 chickens? Then if one does die (like they do occasionally), you'll still have two chickens to keep one another company and a box of eggs each a week, and if not, you'll have an extra chicken to make up for when one or other of them goes broody :)

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How do I know that you bunch are not all CHICKENS?

_ I've seen Chicken Run - and all seem SOOO enthusiastic!


Mum Dad and both kids would love pets of some sort - and you guys have formed some great arguments for the chooks!


1 neighbouring family are willing to share our brood and responsibilities, which I think will be a great community excercise - but we've more than 1 neighbour, but you're all winning the argument on the noise question.


What is the life span of a chicken?

We're in N IReland - any members in this part of the world?

Can I get chooks locally?


My daughter has fallen in love with the pure-breds - (Cause they look cute!) - am I better with cross breeds and let her get 1 special one (She's picked a name for it already!)


I'm getting there - and the fact that we can rely on you bunch is very reassuring.


She'll still have to do a LOT of sucking up before my minds made up






Thanks for your help - and enthusiasm :roll:

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Hi Irshchick's Dad


Here are some breeders.


A&G Poultry, Omagh 018 807 57164


Ballymory Poultry Farm, Antrim 028 276 64078


Pekin Bantams Armagh, 028 388 41051


Hugh Phillips,Lisburn. 07714 167681


Rock Cottage Bantams, Co Down 07768 910647


Mrs Dickinson 02820 751298 (Black Rocks only)



Hens live around 5 years, give or take.


Go o.....let her have some.....and a lovely pink Eglu to keep them in! :lol:


It will keep her out of mischief and you in fresh eggs.

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Hi Irishchick's Dad


I know you said she's got a lot of sucking up to do but it sounds to me from your comments that someone is convinced but just playng the old Dad won't give in that easily card.


Go on.........just do it


you won't regret it and remember, they're better than a normal pet, the economically a good idea too

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Hello Irshchick and Dad & neighbour's daughter :D


I agree with everyone else :lol: . Go on, get some, you won't regret it :wink: . They are so easy to look after and great fun too (and their eggs are delicious!)


The only problem sometimes can be getting someone to chickensit when you're away ........ but you've got a solution to that already, so you've got no excuse :D .

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Hello Irish chick's dad! I don't know about hybrids versus pure bred but there will be plenty of folk who do know and can advise you. Omlet are really good at sourcing local suppliers - when my first one died I rang them at 8 am and by 3 pm I had found, spoken to and visited my nearest one and got a new chicken. They apparently live 3 ish years but I have friends who say that if they are well loved and spolied they can live longer. I think they lay for about 2 years. we have 2 and have plenty of eggs for our family of 6 and to give to loved ones. If you share them with your neighbours my only fear is that you will all want them to yourselves before long....my daughter had her 12th birthday party yesterday and rather than all sitting around being cool, the children spent their time chasing and "cuddling" the poor chickens. They are addictive, so watch out! :wink:

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Welcome to the forum Irsh chick, & dad and neighbours daughter and neighbours! :D


Chickens make the greatest pets, they take up a small amount of your time and reward you with lovely eggs. We have 3 pure breeds and 1 hybrid and this weekend we have an egg from all of them.


We go away a lot at weekends for 2/3 nights and as long as you leave them with plenty of food and water they will be absolutely fine.


You will not regret getting chooks, actually I would put money almost on you getting addicted to chooks and getting loads - everyone on here does!!

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