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What have YOU recycled today??

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I've had a good weekend on the recycling front. I got rid of some bits on freecycle (despite all the bickering on 2 local groups about the moderators!). I also picked up 3 more old tyres yesterday from a lay by down the road - for growing spuds and other veggies in.


Then this morning I went to the "recycling centre" at Barleylands with a load of garden waste - I went there as you can reverse right up to the heap and its easier than lugging everything up the steps at my local one. It just would have been RUDE to leave this lot behind - and the bloke wasn't looking!




Yes James does have a strop on!

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Its criminal isn't it? This was the whole pile at the bottom but I could see other usuable wood elsewhere in the pile too.


Its not the first time I've had wood from the tip but usually I have to get it as I see it arrive as my regular tip is one where you climb the stairs and throw it in the big container. Several times though I've seen people getting bits out of their cars and asked to have it!

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Aaaah yes I near killed myself lifting it in and out of the car - its still on the trolly as that last one would have been one lift too far.


Mum can't help either - Friday she had a hydrocortisone injection in her spine!

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There are no signs up at any of ours and the one bloke on duty was of course sat in his hut and not looking out in case anyone wanted help!


As I said usually I ask people who are getting stuff out of their cars. I guess it is dangerous to climb about the tip but this lot was right at the edge of the heap - about 2 feet from where I parked my car!


I was once at another tip and I had a tiny bag to go in the hardcore skip, when I walked over there - right on top was a load of HUGE chunks of slate! They are still in the front garden at my investement property.

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My cousin in Milton Keynes has bought stuff from the local tip too. I think ours sells some of the stuff they put near the hut as well.


I always want to get things out of skips too but I never get the bottle to knock. Only thing I got that way was my garden roller but someone else spotted it and knocked for me then called me to come and collect it.

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In order to avoid a trip to our skip which is run by Hitler and the SS here :evil: I spent a long time making our tree prunings into very small bits to put into our garden waste bin. OH stood in the bin to make it fit :lol:


I also made some wigwams out of it ready for my sweet peas when its time and saved some for 'twiggy pea sticks' for my peas to climb up.


We hate going to our tip, the people who work on it are rude and unhelpfull.

My husband took some old broken kids toys once and made the fatal mistake of going in the works van. He was told he could not bring the van on so showed the man in charge the items he wanted to tip which were obvoiusly not work related and he said he still could not bring them on so my husband parked outside the tip and walked them through the gate only to be told he could not do that either.


After a few choice words he let him tip the stuff!!!


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We have a choice of three tips....the big one at Stratford has a Hospice Shop where you can take items and also buy what they have to sell - there's loads of stuff there!


The nearest one has such a rubbish (sorry) one-way system that you might only have some plastic waste but be stuck behind someone who needs to stop at every skip, so we don't go.


The other one (just over the border in Oxfordshire :? ) also has a policy of not taking things out of the skips but I always go and ask the man in his hut if I see something I want. I usually ask for the large sheets of cardboard for using as a mulch sheet in the garden.


I have been known to accost people as they leave their cars!! :lol:


For some reason.... carl doesn't like me to go to the tip too often...... :shock:

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This is my favourite skip find




I did get some awful funny looks sat in the middle of town beside it while OH took my mobility scooter to my mum's house so that we could fit it in the car (it's about 6' tall!)


My dad used to know the bloke at the local tip and he let him take things away - I don't think my mum appreciated it!

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We once went to our tip and there was a water but sitting on top of one of the skips and it obviously had nothing wrong with it so hubby hauled it out and was then acosted by one of the tip workers and given a right telling off. Hubby said if he didn't let him take it a letter to the local paper would be written and he eventually said he would look the other way :?


Hubby also once upset a rather uptight aquaintance of ours who said he had just been to the tip, by saying 'did you get anything good' the man was horrified :lol:

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